Dance Changed Her Life (Video) – Qin Ge – Shen Yun Dancers – Shen Yun – Dancers – Flowing Clouds and Flowing Water – Cultural Talk – – Watch China Net

Shen Yun dancer Qin Ge. (Image source: video screenshot)

More than ten years of dance career has already made dance deeply embedded in Shen Yun dancer Qin Ge’s life and has become an indispensable part. Along the way, laughter was accompanied by sweat and tears. The boring and arduous training not only polished her body, but also shaped her confident and tenacious character. As she said: “Dancing has changed my way of life and my attitude towards life.”

Whenever encountering difficulties, Qin Ge will use what he learned from “Zhuan Falun” to demand himself, “If it is difficult to bear, you can bear it; if it is difficult, you can do it.” Constantly pursue perfection and perfection in art. Through continuous pondering and experience, vivid characters on the Shen Yun stage are portrayed. Five thousand years of traditional Chinese culture is being disseminated in the form of art.

To watch the Shen Yun performance in person, please go to “Shen YunTicketing site”。

Please watch more”Shen Yun Early Programs“Film

Please watch more”dance“Film

Please go to “Shen Yun original music“Listen to more Shen Yun symphonies

Please go to “Shen Yun Works Website“Watch more”Shen Yun Early Programs

About Shen Yun Performing Arts

Headquartered in New York, Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier Chinese classical dance and classical music company. Over the years, Shen Yun has absorbed and cultivated many top artists in the world, revived and promoted the real traditional Chinese culture that has almost disappeared in the way of classical art.

From the ancient times of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the magnificent Tang Dynasty, from the prosperity of the Song Dynasty to the elegance of the Qing Dynasty, the five thousand years of Chinese civilization has a long history. This is a picture scroll full of myths and legends and heroic epics-courage and sacrifice, integrity and loyalty, kindness and virtue, the stories of shining stars have passed on five thousand civilizations.

China was called “Shenzhou” in ancient times, and humans and gods once lived together in this land. Music, medicine, calligraphy, clothing, writing… God has passed on rich culture to the people here. For thousands of years, beliefs in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been the foundation of society. The Son of Heaven ruled in accordance with the sky, and the people respected the sky and believed in the gods, and valued virtue and did good deeds.


In the past few decades, the CCP regime has regarded the traditional culture of respecting heaven and virtue as a threat to its existence. Through political movements such as the Cultural Revolution, the traditional beliefs have been systematically uprooted, and the legacy of 5,000 years of divine culture has been destroyed. Almost destroyed.

In 2006, a group of top Chinese traditional artists came to New York with the same desire: to revive the true Chinese divine culture and spread it around the world. In this way, Shen Yun was born.

Every season, we perform a new set of programs in top theaters around the world, such as Lincoln Center in New York, Kennedy Center in Washington DC, London Coliseum; our symphony orchestra has performed in Carnegie Hall.

Millions of live audiences, including the most famous actors, top fashion designers, government officials, royal family members and social celebrities have all attended Shen Yun performances. We look forward to seeing you too.

Editor in charge: Yundanfengqing–All rights reserved, any form of reprint needs to see the Chinese authorization. Mirror sites are strictly prohibited.

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