Dam, Acting President Piana: “Orlando Ignores Progress of Work” – Lavocedigenova.it

“We are in an election campaign, where we are used to hearing absurdities, but we cannot accept that the Democratic Party gives a distorted version and tells lies about the work that is being done on the major works that concern Liguria and in particular on the Dam. It is incredible that the candidate for the presidency of the Liguria region, Andrea Orlando, does not know the state of progress of the work. Orlando, either does not deal with Liguria and this would be very serious in itself for those who would have the pretension of leading it for the next 5 years, or the facts are being mystified and this would be, from my point of view, even more serious, because it would be a breach of that principle of loyalty and respectability so much flaunted by the left. As of today we are about to lay the fifth caisson. Proceeding at the current pace, the work will be finished a good 4 years ahead of schedule. If Orlando does not believe it, come and see with his own eyes”.

The acting president of the Liguria region, Alessandro Piana, said this in a note.

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