Local media such as ‘The Athletic’ reported on the 7th (Korean time) that Keuchel had agreed to a minor contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Keichle will join Triple-A team and aim for a big league call-up. It also includes an opt-out clause that allows you to come out as a free agent if you are not called up by a certain period of time.
If Keuchel is called up, he will join pitching coach Brent Strom, who spent five seasons with the Houston Astros.
A Cy Young Award winner, a two-time All-Star, and a five-time Gold Glove winner, Keuchel was recently released from the White Sox. He averaged a 7.88 ERA and 2.156 WHIP in eight games, 1.7 homers per 9 innings, 5.6 walks and 5.6 strikeouts.
The 2022 season is the final year of a three-year, $55 million contract, earning him an annual salary of $18 million. If Arizona calls him up, he will only have to pay the minimum salary.
If you play 160 innings or more this season, you are guaranteed a team option for the 2023 season (an annual salary of $20 million). Failure to execute the option will result in a $1.5 million buyout and become a free agent.
[알링턴(미국) =김재호 MK스포츠 특파원]
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