Dallas: Decades-old restaurant could become a resort


At the corner of Alvear and the Liberator Avenuein Martinez, more than 20 years ago was the epicenter of the neighborhood’s nightlife, when the brothers Hugo and Horacio Conzi They opened the Dallas restaurant in 2000. The place, which quickly became a meeting place for important public figures, was characterized by its American style and glamour.

But it soon fell into disgrace when one of its owners, Horacio Conzi, was sentenced to 24 years and nine months in prison after murdering Marcos Schenone, 23. There were several attempts to keep the establishment going, such as change its name repeatedly to clean up his image. In fact, today he is known as Las Olas BoulevardThey also replaced its original cement-coloured façade with a bright orange one. Everything pointed to disassociating it from that event.

The restaurant was renamed Las Olas Boulevard after the murder.

But nothing was enough and Today the corner is in a state of deterioration and abandonment. for years. In fact, until recently The walls were covered in grime and graffiti.which were added to the lack of lighting and the bad smell. Now the dirt is hidden behind a fence, although the municipality assured that The property has not yet been sold. They would be evaluating a project that is still “very green.”

Under the management of the previous mayor of San Isidro, Gustavo Possehad confirmed the sale of the establishment to a gastronomic entrepreneur before the pandemic, although at that time they also maintained that no one had made a formal request for authorization.

Some of the orange paint on the building was removed and the place was then boarded up.

At this time, the paint that covered the walls was also removed, leaving the grey bricks exposed. The same municipal sources confirmed that The Government of San Isidro is analyzing a project to build housing after “some developers” showed interest in the site.

In addition, when asked if this rules out the previous hypothesis that the property would be used for gastronomy again, they said they were not sure that this possibility “is completely ruled out”, although the data they were able to share with this media indicate that they are currently studying planes “commercial base plus housing”. That is to say, it is possible that a complex will be built that combines the two types of buildings. In any case, they stressed that, with business approaches and analysis of the municipality in between, “It’s all very premature yet“What is certain, they said, is that “the municipality is not doing anything there: neither adding nor removing.”

Lautaro has been working for a few months at the bar of Mad Pasta, a restaurant located opposite the former Las Olas. When asked about the situation of the neighboring building, he said that never saw workers or people working at the site“We always wonder what they are going to do, but we don’t hear any rumors about anything,” he said.

Daniel is the owner of another establishment opposite the former restaurant, Tío Dani, for a year and a half. He also doesn’t know if there is any project underway in the abandoned building, but about the orange paint they removed he said: “I thought I heard that They took it out because it was coming loose“I saw that a piece had fallen down. I was gone for a month and when I came back it was already like that, walled up, but they never came to do anything,” he said.

What he knows he read in this newspaper a couple of years ago – the hypothesis of the acquisition of the property by a restaurant entrepreneur – although it was never found out who it was. “There is no idea of ​​anything. Nobody tells you anything. If you ask me, They should put up a super gallery with lots of shops“That would bring circulation of people,” he said.

In the neighborhood, in addition to that first rumor, there was talk of the intention to build officesThey also said that they tried to allow the development of a famous supermarket, and then a popular Chilean store that recently left the country, but none of this could be carried out because it is a residential area with certain architectural parameters for the construction of buildings.

Although the former Las Olas Boulevard restaurant appeared to be boarded up, the municipality said that there are still no definitive plans to build thereFabián Marelli

“Here they were just putting those advertisements on the fence [de una marca conocida de cerveza]They covered up the graffiti and the dirt. It seems that they did it to that was not so unpleasant to the eye“But I don’t know who did it. Besides, not just anyone can buy such a place,” said Mariana, from Elite Chocolates, on Avenida Del Libertador 13775.

The building has around 4,635 square meters. And, as mentioned, there are also several municipal restrictions on construction, for example, structures cannot exceed three floors.

Myriam, from the Capriccio store, next to the chocolate shop, has been working there for four years. Since then never saw any significant work or alterations done on the sitebeyond the times that municipal workers came to clean the sidewalks. “The last thing they told me, in December of last year, was that it is very difficult to sell, because Here the municipality does not let you go up. So, the construction companies are not interested,” he said.

He also said that it was probably boarded up because people came to sleep there, even though there used to be security guards on the sidewalk. He also explained that he once saw workers removing the famous orange paint: “I asked them who had sent them to do the work, but they only told me that they had been sent.” There is no more news, nothing concrete.“, he added. And the municipality insisted that none of this was at their request.

In December, Myriam continued, a client of hers who owns a real estate agency told her that he had the land for sale and that, contrary to what had been said a few years ago, the place had never been acquired by anyoneNow we have to wait for one of the projects presented to the municipality to be definitively approved and for the construction of the complex that they are currently analyzing to be confirmed.

On November 25, 2005, Horacio Conzi was sentenced today to 25 years in prison for the murder of Marcos Schenonecommitted on January 16, 2003 in Béccar, and the four attempted murders of the people who were traveling with the victim in the taxi that was attacked with bullets.

The 4th Criminal Court of San Isidro confirmed at that time that Conzi, understanding the criminality of his actions, fired 14 shots at the car in which Schenone was traveling with Gustavo Pacheco, Patricia Alonso, Gisella Carabetta and the driver Rodolfo Fernández, who survived the attack.

The decision was taken unanimously by judges Osvaldo Rossi, Federico Ecke and Carlos Vales Garbo.

The murder of Schenone, 23, a young athlete who was dedicated to mountain biking, occurred in the early hours of January 16, 2003. The victim had been kissing on Dallas-Las Olas Boulevard with a girl whom Horacio Conzi had tried to woo that same night.

According to the ruling, In a fit of jealousy, Conzi ordered Schenone, the girl and her friends to be thrown out of the premises.. When the group boarded a taxi to leave, He chased them for 40 blocks along Avenida Del Libertador with his truck and upon reaching Beccar, He opened fire and emptied the magazine of a 9-millimeter pistol.

Schenone died after receiving three shots in the backwhile the two girls and the taxi driver were injured; the only unharmed person was a friend of the victim.

Conzi was on the run for 57 days until he was arrested by the Federal Police on March 14, 2003. He was in Mar del Plata, carrying a false document and wearing a wig.

Conocé The Trust Project



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