Published on : 26/08/2022 – 00:26
While the United Nations has still not responded to Mali, which has requested a meeting of the Security Council, Senegal is placing itself as a mediator between the president of the transition Assimi Goïta and the French president Emmanuel Macron.
On August 15, Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop accused France of illegal incursions into its airspace and of supporting jihadist groups.
Faced with these tensions, Dakar assures follow the question which opposes Bamako and Paris. ” We hope that everything that happens, in our space, near us and particularly in Mali, is settled by negotiation, agreement and in the most perfect cordiality. “, explained the Senegalese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aïssata Tall Sall, at the microphone of our correspondent in Dakar, Thea Olivier.
►Read also : Mali is still waiting for its emergency meeting at the United Nations
« The Security Council has not yet met and has not set a meeting date around this issue, reminds the Minister. But I am convinced that President Macky Sall will continue to play this role of mediation with Colonel Goïta, but also with President Macron, so that we can manage to find a solution that suits all the parties and that this affair not be exposed to the Security Council. »
Aïssata Tall Sall assures that President Macky, ” to the extent of its possibilities, will do everything necessary to ensure that this matter stops there, and does not evolve beyond measure. »
►Read also : Why does Mali accuse France of supporting jihadists?