Daily, second part of June 7, 2022 with Alex Lutz and Sergueï Jirnov – Daily

On the program for the replay of Daily second part of Tuesday June 7, 2022: in his 8:15 p.m. Express, Paul Gasnier gives us news of Yannick Jadot, very, very discreet since his defeat in the first round of the presidential election. He also debriefs the demonstration of caregivers organized throughout France this Tuesday and takes news from Ukraine thanks to photojournalist Adrienne Surprenant. On set, Yann Barthès receives a former KGB agent, Sergei Jirnov, to take stock of the situation in Ukraine and the intentions of Vladimir Putin. He then receives Alex Lutz on the occasion of his show “Triumph”. In his Petit Q, Willy Papa teaches fans of “Scream” bad news, Laurent Macabiès deciphers political mornings in his Morning Glory, Pablo Mira does his Reac’ of the reac’ of the week and Étienne Carbonnier takes us kickboxing in his Transpi.

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