Daily Physical Activity for Better Health: The Importance of Movement in Daily Life

2023-11-10 05:11:18

Daily physical activity other than exercise is important for good health… If you don’t move, you risk getting sick.

Entered 2023.11.10 14:10 Views 65 Entered 2023.11.10 14:10 Modified 2023.11.10 13:27 Views 65 Climbing stairs is a very cost-effective exercise. When combined with walking, the muscle strengthening effect is high. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

There are people who don’t even like to move their bodies, let alone exercise. On holidays, I stay in my room and watch videos or play games. I find it difficult to prepare meals, so I mostly eat delivered food or processed foods. What happens if this lifestyle continues for a long time? Even if you inherit your parents’ healthy genes, you are bound to experience health problems. However, these people also need to exercise when they become sick. This is because of the doctor’s prescription.

What is the end of ‘nocturnalism’?… When I stopped moving in my daily life, I got sick.

Some people call the habitual state of considering everything a nuisance as ‘trivialism.’ I don’t exercise because it’s too bothersome. There is also a husband who asks his wife, “Please bring me water,” even though the water purifier is right under her nose. Not moving your body in your daily life can harm your health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week for good health. This includes active body movements such as exercising and taking care of the house. If you do not use the calories that enter your body through food, you will gain weight and become the cause of various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Patients also need to exercise to survive… If you get sick and just rest, you will get better.

If the patient is able to move to a certain degree, he or she should at least walk down the hallway of the hospital room. This will improve the prognosis (prognosis following treatment) and prevent other diseases. A study showed that if cancer patients engage in moderate-intensity physical activity (conversation possible) for more than 150 minutes per week, their risk of developing cardiovascular disease decreases by 20%. On the other hand, if physical activity decreased compared to before cancer diagnosis, the risk of cardiovascular disease increased by up to 43%. A paper with this content was recently published in the international academic journal ‘European Heart Journal’.

As a result of a Korean research team examining the risk of cardiovascular disease in over 150,000 cancer patients aged 20 or older, the greater the amount of activity following diagnosis, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of the amount of physical activity before cancer diagnosis. Overall, compared before and following cancer diagnosis, the more physical activity, the greater the decrease in risk, and conversely, there was a clear tendency for the risk to increase further as the amount of activity decreased. It is best for cancer patients who are able to move, as well as those who have recovered, to increase physical activity rather than reduce it.

Register for an expensive gym first?… “Move in your daily life”

There are people who sign up for expensive health clubs just to exercise for a long time. After returning for an hour, I lie down and laze around until I go to bed. The World Health Organization and Korea’s Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said that daily movement is important for physical activity for health. If you exercise for an hour and stay lying down at home, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases. This is the same as a grandmother who has never been to a gym in her life enjoying a healthy life expectancy of 100 years. Her grandmother diligently moves her body in her daily life, making her physically active quite high.

Moderate physical activity… “Go out on holidays”

If you are middle-aged, moderate physical activity is important. If you suddenly get injured while lifting heavy equipment or hiking without sticks, the followingeffects will last for a long time. You need to be careful regarding your back and knee joints. If you are not satisfied with walking, it is recommended to repeat 30 seconds to 1 minute of brisk walking and 2 to 3 minutes of walking level walking. If you live in an apartment, walking, then climbing the 5 to 10 floors of stairs, and then taking the elevator down will provide great strength training. If you stay at home all day for 1-2 days, you will feel like your body is ‘melting out’. Let’s go out even if you don’t have an appointment. You can stay healthy by moving your body in your daily life.

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