Daily Horoscope, Horoscope Today, 25 May 2023: These zodiac signs will be lazy in everything today – horoscope today in malayalam 25 may 2023 daily astrology prediction by anil perunna

2023-05-24 18:40:00

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Astrology: Your Horoscope Today: People born under these signs will have many negative experiences today. Government employees seeking promotion will face bans. There will be a slight lethargy in everything. Not an auspicious time to start a new venture. You will experience minor mental problems. Care should be taken not to be harsh in speech. Meanwhile, will participate in auspicious affairs. Sri Anil Perunna says complete star result of all zodiac signs today.


Aries (Ashwati, Bharani, Kartika ¼) – Financial gains from abroad can be expected. Children will experience physical pains. Will buy expensive household items. Candidates will get the expected job. Those working in the arts will sign new contracts. There will be differences of opinion regarding paternal property.

the valley

Idavam (Karthika ¾, Rohini, Makairam ½) – Unexpectedly there will be some trouble from the boss. Expats should be careful as there is a possibility of job loss. Favorable time for those trying to go abroad for higher studies. Kudumbaswat will come and join the experience meeting.


Gemini (Makairam ½, Thiruvathira, Punartham ¾) – Students will lose interest in studies. There will be a favorable decision regarding the marriage of children. Those working in artistic fields can expect recognition and financial gain. Candidates will get the long awaited job. Care should be taken not to increase differences of opinion between the couple. There will be a favorable decision in marriage rituals.


Cancer (Punartham ¼, Puyam, Ayyyam) – Those working in the business sector will face a lot of professional competition. Money will be spent on house construction. Dissatisfaction in family life will change. Those working in politics will shine in the public arena. Those working in the field of art will get fame and recognition.

the lion

Leo (Makam, Pooram, Utram ¼) – You will receive messages from abroad that bring joy to the mind. Relatives can be expected at home. You will get back the ancestral property that you thought was lost. Financial gain through hard work. Anger should be controlled. There is a possibility of depression for couples who are waiting for a child.


Virgo (Utram ¾, Atham, Chitira ½) – Will get benefits from the government. Favorable time for those intending to build a house. Will demonstrate exceptional eloquence. Those working in the business sector will get financial benefits. Enviable achievements can be achieved in the field of karma.


Libra (Chitira ½, Choti, Visakha ¾) – Will receive an order for relocation that has been sought for a long time. Children will be prosperous. There will be brotherhood. Some family friends will become rivals. There is always a kind of fear in the mind. There will be good experience due to foreign residence. Everything can be done with precision and responsibility. The natives of the mother will experience ailments.


Scorpio (Visakha ¼, Anizham, Thriketta) – Children will be prosperous. Money will be spent on spouse’s health. Financial gain can be expected in many ways. Students see chances of success in competitive exams. There will be minor health problems. There is a possibility of disagreement with siblings or siblings. Control over speech.


Sagittarius (Moolam, Puradam, Uthradam ¼) – Will find a compatible life partner. Storytellers can publish new works. Will buy expensive household items. Favorable time for students. In general, you will feel alert and refreshed in everything. Care should be taken not to escalate the disagreement between the couple.


Capricorn (Utradam ¾, Thiruvonam, Avitam ½) – Relatives can be expected at home. You will get happy messages. Karma will require a lot of travel. Those working in business can expect financial gain. Married life will be happy. There will be income in various ways but there will be no surplus due to excessive expenditure.


Aquarius (Avittam ½, Chathayam, Pururuttathi ¾) – Government employees seeking promotion will face obstacles. There will be a slight lethargy in everything. It is not a good time to start a new venture and you will experience minor mental problems. Will participate in the auspicious affair. Care should be taken not to be harsh in speech.


Pisces (Purruttati ¼, Uthruttati, Revathi) – There will be opportunity to acquire vehicle or land. There will be a change in life through new friendships. New plans will be decided upon with the brothers. Those working in the arts will get new opportunities.

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