In the summary of the Daily replay, first part of Monday, November 28, 2022: in his 7:30 p.m. Media, Julien Bellver takes stock of the situation in China where unprecedented demonstrations are shaking the power in place. He then debriefs Emmanuel Macron’s latest Youtube video, the tensions in the National Assembly and the Figaro lunar front page this weekend. In his Zoom, Clément Vikrotovitch is interested in the speeches of the government and Macronie in the face of the McKinsey scandal, Ambre Chalumeau returns to the controversy surrounding the film “Les Amandiers” and Maïa Mazaurette tells us regarding the difficulty of being the wife of a rock star. Precisely, on set, Yann Barthès receives Laeticia Hallyday on the occasion of the opening of a gigantic exhibition devoted to Johnny Hallyday, just five years following his disappearance.