Daily activity reduces the risk of chronic diseases

A recent study, which included about 100,000 people, revealed that a significant proportion of former patients with the Corona virus did not fully recover from all symptoms of Covid 19, despite the passage of months after their infection.

And the Scottish study indicated that one out of every twenty people has not yet recovered from the symptoms of the Corona virus, despite the passage of a period ranging from 6 to 18 months after being infected, noting that 42 percent of those infected have partially recovered.

The study, published on Wednesday in the journal Nature Communications, highlighted that it is unlikely that people who were infected with the virus, but without symptoms, will suffer from these long-term effects, and indicated that vaccination provides partial protection from the continuation of symptoms, according toWashington Post“.

Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow, who is supervising the study, Jill Bell, confirms that the new research reveals the widespread effects of the Corona virus on the lives of those infected, explaining that it goes beyond health aspects to quality of life, employment, education and the ability to take care of oneself.

The wide range of reported symptoms, and the inability to provide adequate diagnosis and treatment for patients, puzzled researchers, according to the Washington Post, which indicates that between 7 million and 23 million Americans suffer from the long-term effects of infection with the virus, including one million people who can no longer Work, and these numbers are expected to rise as Covid turns into an endemic disease, according to US government estimates.

And researcher Jill Bell adds that the study of the symptoms of corona in Scotland was carried out by analyzing samples of people who were able to identify symptoms associated with the virus during their infection, and indicates that the results showed that people with corona: “were more likely to be infected with 24 of the 26 symptoms studied compared to the general population who have never been infected.

The study supervisor states that, for example, people who were infected were three and a half times more likely to develop shortness of breath.

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The symptoms of continuous injuries in time differ from one case to another, according to the Scottish study, which indicates that the most common symptoms were shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain and brain disorders.

Commenting on the results of the study, David Putrino, Director of Rehabilitation Innovation for the Mount Sinai Health System in New York, says, “It’s another well-executed study that shows that we have to be very concerned about the current numbers of persistent injuries,” noting that in front of these data: We’re in trouble.”

And Putrino adds, “The severity of symptoms increases among people who had severe Covid-19 infection and were transferred to the hospital,” but he points out, on the other hand, that “the majority of long-term cases were recorded in people who had mild infections.”

The study recorded that the risk of infection with the Covid-19 virus was greater among women, the elderly and among vulnerable social groups. People with physical or mental health problems, such as respiratory illness and depression, were also more likely to have long-term symptoms.

Referred to the research team at the University of Glasgow led by Bell, prepared the study with the Public Health and National Health Service, and the universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and was funded by the government.

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