The series “An Eye for an Eye” by writer Salam Kasiri and director Randa Alam Oula succeeded in achieving an Arab audience, and a large follow-up through the “Shahid” application since the beginning of its presentation.
The Lebanese actress, Cyrine Abdel Nour, celebrated the success of the series, and ranked first in terms of viewership in Lebanon, according to the evaluation of the “Shahid” website, through a photo via the “Al-Asturi” feature on her Instagram account.
She also shared with her followers some short scenes from the events of one of the episodes, as a kind of suspense for the upcoming episodes of the series.
Abdel Nour received many praises for her distinguished performance of her role in the series, as well as her creativity in embodying the character of “Nora Fares” as written on paper, by translating this into accurate details that won the followers’ approval.
Noura’s story began with her friend Randa assigning her to secretly monitor her husband, following great suspicions of him cheating on her, and while Nora was watching her friend’s husband, she witnessed by chance that a murder had occurred, and the killer was the same person under surveillance, with Noura took pictures of the perpetrators and the crime.
The killer and his assistant feel that someone is watching them, which exposes Noura’s family to constant threat and danger. On the other hand, the investigator “Azzam – Rami Ayyash” undertakes the task of investigating the murder to find out the perpetrator, and all fingers point to “Noura” according to the evidence presented once morest her. By unknown parties, but it is the subject of the first accusation from the point of view of justice.
The series sheds light on thorny societal issues, while exposing corruption among senior officials and its impact on society, while presenting the events by adding an element of suspense and excitement to it.
And the series starring Cyrine Abdel Nour, Ramy Ayach, Tony Issa, Khitam Al-Lahham, Christine Choueiri, Magdy Machmouchi, Rodrigue Suleiman, Dana Al-Halabi and other stars of Lebanese drama.
In a different context; Abdel Nour had recently topped the “trend” on social media, following her statements regarding the role of “Sahar” in the series “To Death”, noting that the role was to be assigned to her in agreement with the work makers.