Cyberknife, a new tool and therapeutic hope in the treatment of tumors

Behind the rather futuristic name of the Cyberknife hides a new tool at the service of patients, a great promise for cancer patients and in particular for inoperable patients. This new radiotherapy machine inaugurated on Thursday January 5 at the Sarthe Cancer Center in Le Mans, the 25th installed in France, allows:

  • to treat many tumors that are difficult to access,
  • to treat with great precision and in particular to adapt to the patient’s breathing during the treatment,
  • to spare the healthy tissues surrounding the tumour,
  • reduce the number of treatment sessions.

Dominique Le Mèner, President of the Departmental Council of Sarthe, was present for the launch of the Cyberknife. The Department of Sarthe, which supports the structuring of the healthcare offer on the territory, participated here in the financing of this new robot. Dominique Le Mèner was delighted with the installation of this tool for the health of Sarthois, “which makes the Sarthe cancer center a real place of expertise recognized beyond the borders of the department and which contributes to uniting medical personnel, for better patient care.”

The Departmental Council supported the financing of this advanced robot, up to 1 million euros.



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