Cybercriminals Target Modified VPN Software to Compromise macOS Security and Steal Sensitive Data

2024-09-06 22:00:56

The team at Intego recently released the discovery of malware that grants full access to backdoor of Apple computers.

Baptism of HZ RATo trojan grants the attacker full access to the system completely remotely. It has been known since 2022, but until then it only affected Windows PCs.

This is a type of malware in which the attacker can use commands to control the infected system as if they were actually using the hacked computer. In other words, they can download and run additional and harmful tools and malware, take screenshots, record keystrokes, and do many other things.

Overall, it seems that the goal of HZ RAT is data collection. The Mac version makes a list of installed apps and collects user information through the apps. WeChat e DingTalk (both common in China). Not to mention that it can also collect username and website combinations from Google Password Manager.

Fortunately, the data collected by Google’s password manager does not include passwords; however, the username and website pairs could be used with passwords leaked from previous data breaches, as it is common for users to end up reusing passwords across multiple sites.

Installation method and how to protect yourself

The HZ RAT has no registered victims yet, but it is known that it is installed on the system through a Trojan Horse hidden in a modified version of OpenVPN Connecton the app the VPN 1.

The best antivirus programs available for macOS are the best way to stay protected against this malware. If the HZ RAT is on your system, these applications will find samples of the malware.

Intego product boxes

★ Protect your Mac from intrusions and attacks efficiently with Intego’s VirusBarrier

Malware like this is more common on Apple devices in China, but it’s important to be careful about what you download from the internet — checking where you download apps in general.

via Intego


1 Virtual private networkor virtual private network.

#Malware #modified #VPN #app #hack #steal #data #macOS

Here are some potential People Also Ask⁣ (PAA) questions related to the title **”HZ Rat: The macOS Malware Collecting User‍ Data from ⁣WeChat and DingTalk”:**

HZ Rat: The ‌macOS Malware Collecting User Data from WeChat and DingTalk

In recent times, the cybersecurity landscape has witnessed ⁣a surge in malware attacks targeting macOS systems. One such malicious software⁢ gaining attention is HZ Rat, a backdoor malware that has been ⁤found to collect user ​data​ from popular messaging platforms like WeChat and DingTalk. In this article, we will delve into ⁤the‌ details of HZ Rat, its capabilities, ⁣and the ⁣potential⁣ risks it poses to macOS users.

What is ⁣HZ Rat?

HZ Rat is a type of trojan malware that⁣ grants attackers⁣ full access to a system remotely.‍ This malicious software has been around since 2022, initially targeting Windows PCs, but has recently been discovered to affect macOS systems as well [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

How does HZ Rat work?

HZ Rat is a ‍backdoor malware that allows attackers to control an infected system as​ if they were physically ⁢present. This means they ‍can download and run⁤ additional malware, take⁣ screenshots, record ‍keystrokes, and perform other malicious activities [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. The​ primary goal of HZ Rat appears to be data collection,⁣ as it makes a list of installed apps and gathers user information from messaging platforms ⁢like ​WeChat ‌and DingTalk ‌ [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

What data⁣ does⁣ HZ‍ Rat collect?

HZ ‍Rat collects a wide range of system information, including:

SIP status

Hardware specifications

IP address

Bluetooth devices

WiFi networks

Storage⁤ information

Additionally, it⁣ can⁣ collect username and website⁣ combinations from Google Password Manager. Although the ⁢data collected from ⁣Google Password Manager does ​not include passwords, the username and ‌website ⁢pairs can be⁤ used ⁤in conjunction with ⁣leaked passwords from previous data breaches to gain unauthorized ​access to accounts ⁤ [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

How is‌ HZ Rat installed?

HZ Rat ‌is⁤ installed on systems ⁣through a Trojan Horse hidden in a modified version ⁢of OpenVPN Connect,​ a​ popular VPN app ⁣ [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

How to protect yourself from HZ Rat?

The⁤ best way‌ to ​stay protected​ against HZ Rat is to use reputable antivirus programs available for macOS. These applications can ⁢detect and​ remove samples of ⁢the malware from your ⁤system. Additionally, it is essential to:

⁣Avoid installing‌ suspicious or ⁣modified apps

Keep your‌ operating system​ and software up to date

Use‌ strong passwords and avoid reusing them across multiple ⁤sites

Be‌ cautious when downloading ​and installing free ⁤software ⁢or apps‌ from unknown sources


HZ Rat is a malicious malware ⁣that poses a significant threat to ⁣macOS users, particularly ⁤those ‌who use WeChat and DingTalk. It is essential to stay⁤ informed about the latest malware⁢ threats and take⁢ necessary precautions to protect your system and data. By using ‌reputable antivirus software and practicing ‍good cybersecurity habits, you⁢ can reduce the risk of⁣ falling victim to ⁤HZ Rat and other malicious attacks.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **HZ RAT: The macOS Malware Collecting User Data from WeChat and DingTalk**:

HZ RAT: The macOS Malware Collecting User Data from WeChat and DingTalk

Recently, the team at Intego discovered a malware that grants full access to the backdoor of Apple computers, known as HZ RAT. This type of malware allows attackers to remotely control the infected system, giving them the ability to download and run additional harmful tools and malware, take screenshots, record keystrokes, and perform many other malicious activities.

What is HZ RAT?

HZ RAT is a backdoor trojan that has been known since 2022, but until recently, it only affected Windows PCs. This malware allows attackers to control the infected system remotely, making it a significant cybersecurity threat.

How does HZ RAT work?

The Mac version of HZ RAT collects user information through popular Chinese messaging apps, WeChat and DingTalk. It also collects username and website combinations from Google Password Manager, which could be used to access multiple sites if passwords are reused.

Installation Method and How to Protect Yourself

HZ RAT is installed on the system through a Trojan Horse hidden in a modified version of OpenVPN Connect. The best way to stay protected against this malware is to use reputable antivirus programs available for macOS. These applications will detect and remove samples of the HZ RAT malware if it is present on your system.

Data Collection

The primary goal of HZ RAT is data collection. The malware makes a list of installed apps and collects user information through WeChat and DingTalk. While the data collected from Google Password Manager does not include passwords, the username and website pairs could be used with passwords leaked from previous data breaches.

Protection Against HZ RAT

To protect your Mac from HZ RAT and other malware, it is essential to use reputable antivirus software, such as Intego’s VirusBarrier. This software will detect and remove malware, including HZ RAT, from your system.

Intego’s VirusBarrier

Intego’s VirusBarrier is a powerful antivirus software that protects your Mac from intrusions and attacks. With its advanced threat detection capabilities, it can detect and remove HZ RAT and other malware from your system.


HZ RAT is a significant cybersecurity threat to Apple computers, and it is essential to



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