Cyberattack at the town hall of Saint-Cloud: computer systems are idling

Limited access to the Internet and internal documents, no printers or scanners… The services of the town hall of Saint-Cloud have been disrupted since Friday, following a targeted cyberattack against its computer systems. This, “unprecedented in its intensity, could not be prevented despite the reinforced security measures”, indicates the city. In recent months, several municipalities and public bodies in Île-de-France have been victims of hacking, particularly in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The municipal services, in collaboration with cybersecurity experts, are currently mobilized to measure the extent of this cyberattack and try to get the computer systems back on their feet. But for the time being, it is impossible to say when the services will be operational again. “We should see more clearly in the middle of the week”, confided the mayor (DVD), Éric Berdoati, this Monday.

Public service in degraded mode

The municipality indicates however that the continuity of the public service is ensured, in degraded mode. The town hall and all municipal establishments remain open, and all services can be reached by email or telephone. Sports and cultural establishments remain accessible for the reservation of land or the borrowing of documents from the media library. The vaccination center also continues to welcome the public.

However, due to the limited access of the services to their work resources, the city of Saint-Cloud asks users who have an appointment at the town hall to present themselves with all the printed documents and to “plan for an extension of the deadlines , in particular for housing services, civil status, the CCAS or town planning”. City officials will therefore have to revert to paper records for some time, pending the restoration of computer systems.

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The city of Saint-Cloud filed a complaint on Monday morning. The investigation was entrusted to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

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