Cyber ​​experts from the New York National Guard learn from their Brazilian counterparts

When the Brazilian Cyber ​​Defense Command (CDCiber) appeared before delegatesfrom 15 nations on August 18 from 2022 as part of your Cyber ​​Exercise Guardian, two Soldiers from the New York Army National Guard represented the United States.

The CCaptain Andrew Carter, 42nd Headquarters Battalion Information Systems Infantry Division; and the Chief Technical OfficerNefertiti Stokes, director of 173.Team of Cyber ​​Protection, they spent three days with Brazilian experts in computer security in Brasilia, the country’s capital.

The visit was carried out as part of the relationship of the State Association Program, that the New York National Guard has with the Brazilian Armed Forces since 2019.

They are mision, he said Cap. Carter, was to determine what types of cyber operations training New York National Guard computer security experts might conduct with their Brazilian counterparts.

The Cyber ​​Defense Center of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense oversees cybersecurity in all sectors.

What they learned, said the Cap. Carter, is that Brazil relies on its military information security specialists to protect both military information systems and those of professionals in the Brazilian civilian industry.

This is very similar to the emphasis placed by the US Cyber ​​Command.E. UU. in maintaining the military networks, as well as the critical infrastructures of the entire nation, safe from computer attacks, said Cap. Sump. The difference, he noted, is that since Brazil does not have a National Guard equivalent, Brazilians have full-time military personnel who work with civilian cyber professionals to deal with cyber threats.

The Cap. carter said that go EE. UU. billnwith full-time staff and elements as the Chief Technical OfficerStokes, who works in cybersecurity as a civilian, to put his acquired knowledge as a civilian to use.

The three-day visit gave the two New Yorkers the opportunity to see different facets of Brazil’s communications and signals effort.

The first day they visited al Brazilian equivalent of the Army Signal School of go EE. UU. at Fort Gordon, Ga. The cap. Carter said he was impressed to discover that Brazilians were still teaching the use of Morse code to encrypt messages. The Army of los EE. UU. stopped teaching the dots and dashes of Morse code in 2015. But Brazilians see it as another way to communication securely, using the code to transmit sets of numbers that make up encrypted messages, said the Cap. Carter.

On the second day of the visit, the Cap. Carter y the Chief Technical Officer Stokes participated in Exercise Cyber ​​Guardian’s Distinguished Visitor’s Day. The Brazilians used the model of regional and urban infrastructure, including dams and power grids, to demonstrate how a cyberattack might stop a industry and transportation.

The Chief Technical Officer Stokes and the Cap.Carter had planned a briefing on the cyber capabilities of the New York National Guard for the third day.

Your Brazilian hosts were pleased to learn that many of the operating frameworks used by the Protection Teams Cybernetics are very similar to what was taught at CDCiber, and they were intrigued by the idea of ​​people with constantly up-to-date civilian knowledge working on cybersecurity issues, the Cap.Carter.

The Brazilians expressed interest in learning more regarding how the New York National Guard conducts cyber operations. The Cap. Carter said there might also be an opportunity for New York National Guard Soldiers and Airmen to attend. during two weeks stillcourse of cyber operations impartidoby the Brazilians.



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