Customs actually collected less money in the first quarter. The reason given: bans on petroleum products of Russian origin

Feeling attacked by the Minister of Finance, Adrian Câciu, on the topic of lower budget receipts, Customs presented a report on the first quarter of the year, as did ANAF the day before.

Romanian banknotesPhoto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

Adrian Câciu said, among other things, at the Government, that “state institutions must find solutions regarding the collection of those who do not pay their taxes. There is the principle of fiscal inspection. When he leaves the office he immediately sees himself in the collection. I don’t want to refer to ANAF, Customs and the Anti-Money Laundering Office”.

According to a statement sent by the Romanian Customs Authority (AVR), the institution has intensified its efforts in the line of tax collection, both from customs operations and from other categories of operations with excisable products, which are reflected in the receipts of the tax authorities.

“In the first quarter of 2023, the value of the amounts actually collected on March 31, 2023 is 4.118 billion lei, which represents 77.83% of the quarterly collection program”, says the institution, thus showing that they are below the plan developed by the Ministry of Finance .

According to the quoted source, the fluctuation of the first quarter results from VAT payment delays in the context of the events at the Romanian border and the blocking of the main export – import routes with goods from Ukraine that are non-taxable.

“In terms of VAT, the customs collection activity was influenced by the facilities provided by the Fiscal Code regarding the postponement of payment. Thus, the collection of the amounts highlighted in the customs declarations representing VAT deferred for payment, according to the legal provisions in the matter, is effectively reflected in the collection activity of the fiscal authority”, mentions the Customs.

Also in this context, says the institution, the entry into force of the bans imposed at the Union level on petroleum products of Russian origin had a significant impact on the collection of taxes from customs operations.

“Also, the reduction in imports of construction materials as a result of the restriction of the market in the field of constructions, had the effect of reducing the amounts owed in customs operations”says Customs.

ANAF yesterday presented a statement in which it says that in the first three months of 2023, ANAF collected 83.534 billion lei from the consolidated budget. Compared to the same period last year, when 78.177 billion were collected, there is an increase of regarding 7%.

Compared to the collection schedule, in the first quarter 96.6% of the plan was collected, with 2,981.35 million lei less.

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