Currently appearing in a drama depicting the real worries of teenagers![髙橋大翔ブログ]

Currently appearing in a drama depicting the real worries of teenagers![髙橋大翔ブログ]

2024-04-05 12:00:00


It’s finally April, the new year.

In my personal life, I recently moved!

The environment has changed, and I feel like I can get off to a fresh start.

As for my work, I am currently appearing in the drama “High Teen Diary” on Abema as Sota Maezawa!

The story depicts the real worries and love affairs of late teens.

Please take a look.

During this time of many changes, we will do our best to fight off pollen!

Daisho Takahashi

Daisho Takahashi

men’s nonno model

From 2023, she will be an exclusive model for Men’s Nonno. A hard worker who was able to pass the exam on his second attempt in five years. He collects used American clothes.

#appearing #drama #depicting #real #worries #teenagers髙橋大翔ブログ

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