Current Events: Prosecutor Surnamed Chen Scandal and Impeachment – Latest Updates

2023-11-14 20:54:42

current events

Release time 2023.11.14 16:51 Taipei time

Update time 2023.11.14 16:55 Taipei time

A prosecutor surnamed Chen had a car accident with a female college student, but he blurted out words such as “Just have sex with me” and “Get a room”. The Supervisory Yuan found that it violated the prosecutor’s ethical standards and passed the impeachment. The prosecutor was transferred to the disciplinary court for trial.Wen Photography

This magazine previously exclusively reported that prosecutor surnamed Chen from the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office had a collision with a female college student. When the two were discussing compensation matters, prosecutor surnamed Chen blurted out words such as “just have sex with me” and “get a room”. The female college student I was so angry that I filed a sexual harassment complaint with the police. The Supervisory Yuan said today (14th) that prosecutor surnamed Chen’s move seriously damaged the image of the judiciary and violated prosecutors’ ethical standards. The Supervisory Yuan approved the impeachment and transferred it to the disciplinary court’s duty court for trial.

Looking back on the entire case, on May 21 this year, prosecutor surnamed Chen collided with a female college student riding a motorcycle while riding a bicycle. The two parties discussed compensation matters followingwards. Unexpectedly, prosecutor surnamed Chen did not follow proper channels such as calling the police, and actually dealt with the matter. The female college student blurted out: “So I don’t want money from you, you just have sex with me… Do you want it?” “Yes… So I don’t want money from you, you just have sex with me.” “Yes, yes… so I It means that if you are willing to have sex with me, you don’t have to pay me, and I don’t care if you are 18 or not…” “No, there are many hotels on this road” and other words.

Afterwards, the female college student filed a sexual harassment complaint with the Wanhua Branch of the Taipei City Government Police Department. The Supervisory Yuan explained that the Taipei District Prosecutors’ investigation determined that sexual harassment was established. The Supervisory Yuan stated that Prosecutor Chen admitted during the investigation that he did make emotional remarks that day and violated prosecutors’ ethical standards.

Although the two parties were settled through mediation by the Taipei City Government, Prosecutor Chen, a judicial officer, failed to be careful in his words and actions and handle it appropriately when he encountered a driving dispute. Instead, he harassed the female college student with words with sexual or sexual connotations, causing the female college student to The Control Yuan emphasized that “it is really not advisable” to be in a situation where you feel fearful, hostile or offended.

The Supervisory Yuan pointed out that Prosecutor Chen not only violated the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Sexual Harassment Prevention and Control Act, but also violated the provisions of Article 5 of the Ethical Code for Prosecutors and Article 6 of the Civil Service Act, which seriously damaged the image of the judiciary. The circumstances of the violation are clear. , there are reasons for punishment under Article 89, Paragraph 7 of the Judges Act, and punishment is necessary.

The Control Yuan proposed impeachment in accordance with the provisions of Article 97, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, Article 6 of the Supervision Act, and Article 89, paragraph 8, of the Judges Act, applying mutatis mutandis to Article 51, paragraph 1, and transferred it to the Disciplinary Court’s Duty Tribunal for trial.

★ “Mirror Weekly” cares regarding you: If you or others suffer physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual assault, or sexual harassment, please call 110 immediately to report the case, and then seek help from professional social workers through the 113 hotline.

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