Current anti-Semitic violence is not just a surge, it is the result of a gradual rise – Libération


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Sociologist Michel Wieviorka has released an updated edition of his book “Anti-Semitism Explained to Young People” to address the increase in anti-Semitic incidents since the start of Israel’s conflict with Hamas.

“To attack a French Jew is to attack all French people” declared Gabriel Attal on Saturday, August 24, following the explosion that occurred shortly before 9 a.m. at the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande-Motte, in Hérault. Anti-Semitic incidents have nearly tripled since the beginning of the year, with “887 incidents” recorded in the first half of the year, Gérald Darmanin mentioned on August 9, compared to 304 in the same timeframe in 2023. These incidents surged following the outbreak of the conflict between Israel and Hamas in October 2023, as noted by the Ministry of the Interior, which reported 1,676 incidents in 2023, the majority occurring in the final months of the year, “four times more than in 2022.” In six out of ten cases, this violence is perpetrated directly against individuals, manifesting as anti-Semitic acts, threats, or insults. These unprecedented levels, according to the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), are not merely reflective of a temporary crisis,

Update on Anti-Semitism: Insights from Michel Wieviorka’s Latest Publication

Understanding the Current Landscape

Sociologist Michel Wieviorka has released an updated version of his influential book, Anti-Semitism Explained to Young People, in response to the alarming rise in anti-Semitic acts following the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. This revised edition seeks to address and inform about the dynamics of anti-Semitism, particularly in the context of recent tragedies and social tensions.

The Surge in Anti-Semitic Acts

The data speaks volumes: anti-Semitic acts in France have nearly tripled this year. According to Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, there were a staggering 887 recorded anti-Semitic incidents in the first half of 2023, compared to just 304 during the same period the previous year. Reports suggest that since the onset of Israel’s military actions against Hamas in October 2023, anti-Semitic acts have reached unprecedented levels, totaling 1,676 incidents by year-end, a rate four times greater than in 2022.

Statistics on Anti-Semitic Violence in France

Year Number of Incidents Increase from Previous Year
2022 419
2023 (First Half) 887 +118%
2023 (Total) 1,676 +300%

Contextualizing the Rising Anti-Semitism

Recently, the French government has expressed deep concern over this staggering increase. On August 24, French politician Gabriel Attal declared, “To attack a French Jew is to attack all French people,” emphasizing the collective responsibility in combating anti-Semitism. This quote exemplifies the national sentiment that anti-Semitic violence represents a broader threat to societal cohesion.

Impact on Communities

Data gathered by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) indicates that nearly 60% of these incidents are direct attacks against individuals, manifesting as physical violence, verbal threats, or hate speech. The implications of this violence are profound, affecting not only Jewish communities but also the broader social fabric in France.

The Role of Social Context in Anti-Semitism

Wieviorka’s updated book delves into the various social and political factors that contribute to the growth of anti-Semitism. Key points include:

  • The Influence of Global Events: The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked debates and polarized opinions, often manifesting in anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions.
  • Historical Narratives: The impact of historical narratives surrounding Judaism and anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe plays a critical role in shaping contemporary perceptions.
  • Social Media Dynamics: The rise of social media has facilitated the spread of extremist ideas, often amplifying hate speech and divisive ideologies.

Mitigating Anti-Semitism: Actions and Responses

Government Measures

The French government has launched several initiatives to combat the rise of anti-Semitism. These measures include:

  1. Increased Security: Enhanced protection for Jewish schools and community centers.
  2. Legislative Action: Enacting laws that specifically target hate speech and hate crimes.
  3. Public Awareness Campaigns: Efforts to educate the public about the historical and contemporary realities of anti-Semitism.

Community Responses

Jewish organizations and community leaders have also stepped up to address the crisis:

  • Interfaith Dialogues: Initiatives to promote understanding and cooperation among different religious communities.
  • Support Services: Providing resources and counseling for victims of anti-Semitic acts.
  • Advocacy: Collaborating with civil rights groups to ensure anti-Semitic acts are met with legal consequences.


As anti-Semitic incidents continue to rise significantly, the updated insights from Wieviorka’s book serve as a crucial resource. Understanding the underlying causes and contemporary impacts of anti-Semitism is essential for fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society. By addressing these issues collectively, individuals and communities can work towards combating discrimination and promoting unity.



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