[Current Affairs Scan]Three Gorges Dam releases flood at full capacity Wuhan crisis | Flood | Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee | Musk

Is the Three Gorges flood discharge putting Wuhan in danger? ! Musk is in danger! (Provided by “Current Affairs Scan”)

[TheEpochTimesJuly192024]Hello everyone, welcome to “Current Affairs Gold Scan”. I am Jin Ran. Please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, leave comments and forward recommendations. It would be even more appreciated if you are willing to directly support us financially.

Today’s focus: The Three Gorges Dam releases floods at full capacity, Wuhan crisis; nine provinces in China are flooded, and flood releases cannot be told to the public; the Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China is convened, and a collapse is imminent; Musk supports Trump and is in danger twice in eight months .

Three Gorges Dam releases flood at full capacity Wuhan crisis

Heavy rains have continued in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River for days. According to the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, the Yangtze River Basin entered a critical moment for flood control on July 16. How critical is the flood? I still remember the last time I mentioned in my report on Sunday that the Three Gorges Dam had already opened four holes to release floods. According to CCTV, by the morning of the 15th, nine holes had been opened to release floods from the Three Gorges Dam, and one more hole would be added in the followingnoon. On the 16th, 11 holes have been opened for flood discharge. Let’s take a look at the scene when the ten holes are used to release floods.

Even more frightening is a very “positive” statement from CCTV: The Yangtze River Commission coordinates and dispatches the upstream controlled reservoir group to share the flood control pressure in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and free up the reservoirs to prepare for possible major floods in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River during the flood control season.

Anyone who understands knows the two terrifying scenes contained in this sentence: “Dispatch the upstream controlled reservoir group to share the flood control pressure in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.” This means that there will be many reservoirs in the upper reaches that will also release floods. As for where they are released, we will not tell them. It’s hard to say for the people.

Many viewers may wonder why the CCP doesn’t tell local people when it releases floods everywhere. In fact, it is very simple. If you tell the residents to release the flood and evacuate, then someone will have to pay to assist in the evacuation, and the losses caused by the flood will also have to be compensated. This is a dereliction of duty by the officials; but if you do not tell the residents, houses will be destroyed, property will be damaged, and people will die. , are all natural disasters, and they are not responsible. Moreover, if they can still go out to rescue and provide disaster relief, it is still the merit and honor of the officials.

Some netizens checked and found that the water level in Hankou, Wuhan City, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at 3 pm on the 16th was 26.82 meters, while the warning water level was 27.30 meters, a difference of only 50 centimeters. So there is already a warning: tremble! Wuhan! A bigger flood is waiting for us later! It won’t be long before CCTV calls on people across the country to shout: Today we are all Wuhan people! Let’s take a look at this picture. This is the Three Gorges Dam. The first super-large city downstream is Wuhan, and then down the river are Nanjing and Shanghai. Since last weekend, 11 cities and prefectures in Hubei Province, including Shiyan, Wuhan, Yichang, and Xiaogan, have experienced heavy rainfall. Heavy rains caused rivers to swell and flow rapidly. On July 15, Huopai Town in Xiangyang, Hubei Province was completely submerged in floods.

Someone photographed a man in Hubei who was trapped in a flood while driving his car. After taking a sip of wine to strengthen his courage, he jumped from the roof of the car into the flood and swam to safety.

Let’s take a look at the changes in road conditions on the Paizihe section of National Highway 316 heading to Wuhan from the morning to the followingnoon of July 15th.

Let’s take a look at the situation in Wuhan on the 15th. Note: This was the scene before the floods released by the Three Gorges had threatened Wuhan.

Flood relief in nine provinces of China is a secret that cannot be told to the public

According to Chinese official media reports, China has fully entered the flood season. All seven major river systems in nine provinces of China are flooded. From July 13 to 14, 31 rivers in Anhui, Henan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jilin and other places experienced floods above the warning level. Nowadays, it is not just people in the affected areas who feel the threat of floods. A train from Shenzhen to Changsha was forced to return.

The car police in the video just announced that following getting off the bus in Hunan, the whole car returned to Shenzhen. Let’s take a look at the scene where a dam broke in Yueyang, Hunan on July 15th.

Don’t think that the south is in floods, and Henan in the north is also in the ocean. There was even a tragedy like the car flooding in the bridge tunnel in Zhengzhou. On July 16, in Luohe, Henan Province, the culvert of the Jinshan Road overpass flooded and some vehicles were submerged.

Someone in Sheqi County, Henan Province woke up and found that their bed was “floating on the water.” An old man knelt down and kowtowed, praying to God not to rain once more.

If you watch the news on CCTV, you will see touching scenes of CCP officers, soldiers and policemen heroic and heroic rescue, but the actual rescue scenes captured by the public are more careless than just strolling in a courtyard.

The Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee convenes and a major collapse is imminent

As floods hit various parts of China, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was originally supposed to be held in the autumn of 2023, was finally held on July 15 following being delayed for half a year.

The Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee lasted for four days. In accordance with usual practice, the leader of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping will report to the Central Committee on behalf of the Political Bureau. More than 370 people, including Central Committee members and alternate members, will participate in the meeting. The meeting location is usually at Jingxi Hotel. Before the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping had publicly set the tone for the future direction, that is, the party must govern everything and cannot follow the Western model, emphasizing that “it cannot be closed and rigid, nor can it be copied or copied from foreign countries.”

An expert on China issues analyzed that from the past “reform and opening up” to today’s “eating foreign things but not adapting to them”, Cheng Xiang, an expert on China issues, pointed out that Xi Jinping is facing the dilemma of “reform will destroy the party, and failure to reform will destroy the country”. In fact, it is a choice Return to the old path of Mao Zedong. The so-called “big reform” is actually a “big retrogression”.

Some analysts pointed out that in recent years, China has been plagued by problems such as slow economic growth, the collapse of the real estate industry, high local government debt, high unemployment, weak consumption, and the massive withdrawal of foreign capital. The National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China released the latest statistics on the day of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. China’s GDP grew by 5.3% in the first quarter and 4.7% in the second quarter. This is the worst record in the past five quarters. In contrast to the current natural disasters and floods across China. , it is even more difficult to achieve an annual growth rate of regarding 5%. Of course, in my opinion, it is not difficult at all. It is just a number anyway. For the National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China, leaders, please rest assured that even if the sky falls and the earth falls, and your eyes are closed, you cannot stop China’s 5% growth rate.

Just before the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, a post titled “The Great Collapse is Coming!” was posted on the Internet. Judging from the writing and content, it was obviously written by someone within the system.

The article reads: Our country is experiencing the largest overall collapse since 1949. This situation indicates that one or more larger-scale political, economic and even military turbulence is regarding to break out in China. This means that the country will fall into great turmoil.

The country is spiraling out of control. has fallen into an unprecedented state of absurdity, which is completely reflected in its basic governing logic: they lie while asking people to trust them. While blocking the road, we are studying how to open it. While making people poor, we are also studying how to promote consumption. At the same time, we are trying to make enterprises corrupt, while at the same time studying how to promote employment. One side is scaring investors away, while the other side is attracting investment in a high-profile manner. While arresting entrepreneurs, they shouted to optimize the business environment.

China may face a series of more severe challenges in the future. Repressive political policies, continued economic downturn, and dissatisfaction at all levels of society are accumulating. Once a trigger point occurs, these problems will explode in a concentrated manner, creating an uncontrollable situation.

Please take care of yourself. The road is under your feet and everything depends on your efforts. Everything is possible.

Musk is in danger!

Musk, the world’s richest man, publicly announced four minutes following Trump was assassinated that he fully supported Trump’s candidacy for US president. I was still wondering at first: Musk seemed to be unusually sensitive to the assassination of Trump by a gunman. There seemed to be some reason.

As a result, Musk revealed that he had been assassinated twice in the past eight months. Musk even announced in a video how Musk’s successor would be chosen if he was really hit by an accident.

Okay, that’s it for this time’s “Jiji Jin Scan”. We need your support, please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, leave comments and forward recommendations. It would be even more appreciated if you are willing to directly support us financially. See you next time.

Welcome to subscribe to the YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@jinsaomiao
Welcome to subscribe to Clean World Channel:https://www.ganjing.com/zh-TW/channel/1fdr1livvlu2gQAfvU2nJXR3H17m0c

NTDTV’s “Jiushi Jin Scan” production team

Editor in charge: Li Hao#

[TheEpochTimesJuly192024]Hello everyone, welcome to “Current Affairs Gold Scan”. I am Jin Ran. Please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, leave comments and forward recommendations. It would be even more appreciated if you are willing to directly support us financially.

Today’s focus: The Three Gorges Dam releases floods at full capacity, Wuhan crisis; nine provinces in China are flooded, and flood releases cannot be told to the public; the Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China is convened, and a collapse is imminent; Musk supports Trump and is in danger twice in eight months .

Three Gorges Dam releases flood at full capacity Wuhan crisis

Heavy rains have continued in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River for days. According to the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, the Yangtze River Basin entered a critical moment for flood control on July 16. How critical is the flood? I still remember the last time I mentioned in my report on Sunday that the Three Gorges Dam had already opened four holes to release floods. According to CCTV, by the morning of the 15th, nine holes had been opened to release floods from the Three Gorges Dam, and one more hole would be added in the followingnoon. On the 16th, 11 holes have been opened for flood discharge. Let’s take a look at the scene when the ten holes are used to release floods.

Even more frightening is a very “positive” statement from CCTV: The Yangtze River Commission coordinates and dispatches the upstream controlled reservoir group to share the flood control pressure in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and free up the reservoirs to prepare for possible major floods in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River during the flood control season.

Anyone who understands knows the two terrifying scenes contained in this sentence: “Dispatch the upstream controlled reservoir group to share the flood control pressure in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.” This means that there will be many reservoirs in the upper reaches that will also release floods. As for where they are released, we will not tell them. It’s hard to say for the people.

Many viewers may wonder why the CCP doesn’t tell local people when it releases floods everywhere. In fact, it is very simple. If you tell the residents to release the flood and evacuate, then someone will have to pay to assist in the evacuation, and the losses caused by the flood will also have to be compensated. This is a dereliction of duty by the officials; but if you do not tell the residents, houses will be destroyed, property will be damaged, and people will die. , are all natural disasters, and they are not responsible. Moreover, if they can still go out to rescue and provide disaster relief, it is still the merit and honor of the officials.

Some netizens checked and found that the water level in Hankou, Wuhan City, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at 3 pm on the 16th was 26.82 meters, while the warning water level was 27.30 meters, a difference of only 50 centimeters. So there is already a warning: tremble! Wuhan! A bigger flood is waiting for us later! It won’t be long before CCTV calls on people across the country to shout: Today we are all Wuhan people! Let’s take a look at this picture. This is the Three Gorges Dam. The first super-large city downstream is Wuhan, and then down the river are Nanjing and Shanghai. Since last weekend, 11 cities and prefectures in Hubei Province, including Shiyan, Wuhan, Yichang, and Xiaogan, have experienced heavy rainfall. Heavy rains caused rivers to swell and flow rapidly. On July 15, Huopai Town in Xiangyang, Hubei Province was completely submerged in floods.

Someone photographed a man in Hubei who was trapped in a flood while driving his car. After taking a sip of wine to strengthen his courage, he jumped from the roof of the car into the flood and swam to safety.

Let’s take a look at the changes in road conditions on the Paizihe section of National Highway 316 heading to Wuhan from the morning to the followingnoon of July 15th.

Let’s take a look at the situation in Wuhan on the 15th. Note: This was the scene before the floods released by the Three Gorges had threatened Wuhan.

Flood relief in nine provinces of China is a secret that cannot be told to the public

According to Chinese official media reports, China has fully entered the flood season. All seven major river systems in nine provinces of China are flooded. From July 13 to 14, 31 rivers in Anhui, Henan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jilin and other places experienced floods above the warning level. Nowadays, it is not just people in the affected areas who feel the threat of floods. A train from Shenzhen to Changsha was forced to return.

The car police in the video just announced that following getting off the bus in Hunan, the whole car returned to Shenzhen. Let’s take a look at the scene where a dam broke in Yueyang, Hunan on July 15th.

Don’t think that the south is in floods, and Henan in the north is also in the ocean. There was even a tragedy like the car flooding in the bridge tunnel in Zhengzhou. On July 16, in Luohe, Henan Province, the culvert of the Jinshan Road overpass flooded and some vehicles were submerged.

Someone in Sheqi County, Henan Province woke up and found that their bed was “floating on the water.” An old man knelt down and kowtowed, praying to God not to rain once more.

If you watch the news on CCTV, you will see touching scenes of CCP officers, soldiers and policemen heroic and heroic rescue, but the actual rescue scenes captured by the public are more careless than just strolling in a courtyard.

The Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee convenes and a major collapse is imminent

As floods hit various parts of China, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was originally supposed to be held in the autumn of 2023, was finally held on July 15 following being delayed for half a year.

The Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee lasted for four days. In accordance with usual practice, the leader of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping will report to the Central Committee on behalf of the Political Bureau. More than 370 people, including Central Committee members and alternate members, will participate in the meeting. The meeting location is usually at Jingxi Hotel. Before the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping had publicly set the tone for the future direction, that is, the party must govern everything and cannot follow the Western model, emphasizing that “it cannot be closed and rigid, nor can it be copied or copied from foreign countries.”

An expert on China issues analyzed that from the past “reform and opening up” to today’s “eating foreign things but not adapting to them”, Cheng Xiang, an expert on China issues, pointed out that Xi Jinping is facing the dilemma of “reform will destroy the party, and failure to reform will destroy the country”. In fact, it is a choice Return to the old path of Mao Zedong. The so-called “big reform” is actually a “big retrogression”.

Some analysts pointed out that in recent years, China has been plagued by problems such as slow economic growth, the collapse of the real estate industry, high local government debt, high unemployment, weak consumption, and the massive withdrawal of foreign capital. The National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China released the latest statistics on the day of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. China’s GDP grew by 5.3% in the first quarter and 4.7% in the second quarter. This is the worst record in the past five quarters. In contrast to the current natural disasters and floods across China. , it is even more difficult to achieve an annual growth rate of regarding 5%. Of course, in my opinion, it is not difficult at all. It is just a number anyway. For the National Bureau of Statistics of the Communist Party of China, leaders, please rest assured that even if the sky falls and the earth falls, and your eyes are closed, you cannot stop China’s 5% growth rate.

Just before the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, a post titled “The Great Collapse is Coming!” was posted on the Internet. Judging from the writing and content, it was obviously written by someone within the system.

The article reads: Our country is experiencing the largest overall collapse since 1949. This situation indicates that one or more larger-scale political, economic and even military turbulence is regarding to break out in China. This means that the country will fall into great turmoil.

The country is spiraling out of control. has fallen into an unprecedented state of absurdity, which is completely reflected in its basic governing logic: they lie while asking people to trust them. While blocking the road, we are studying how to open it. While making people poor, we are also studying how to promote consumption. At the same time, we are trying to make enterprises corrupt, while at the same time studying how to promote employment. One side is scaring investors away, while the other side is attracting investment in a high-profile manner. While arresting entrepreneurs, they shouted to optimize the business environment.

China may face a series of more severe challenges in the future. Repressive political policies, continued economic downturn, and dissatisfaction at all levels of society are accumulating. Once a trigger point occurs, these problems will explode in a concentrated manner, creating an uncontrollable situation.

Please take care of yourself. The road is under your feet and everything depends on your efforts. Everything is possible.

Musk is in danger!

Musk, the world’s richest man, publicly announced four minutes following Trump was assassinated that he fully supported Trump’s candidacy for US president. I was still wondering at first: Musk seemed to be unusually sensitive to the assassination of Trump by a gunman. There seemed to be some reason.

As a result, Musk revealed that he had been assassinated twice in the past eight months. Musk even announced in a video how Musk’s successor would be chosen if he was really hit by an accident.

Okay, that’s it for this time’s “Jiji Jin Scan”. We need your support, please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, leave comments and forward recommendations. It would be even more appreciated if you are willing to directly support us financially. See you next time.

Welcome to subscribe to the YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@jinsaomiao
Welcome to subscribe to Clean World Channel:https://www.ganjing.com/zh-TW/channel/1fdr1livvlu2gQAfvU2nJXR3H17m0c

NTDTV’s “Jiushi Jin Scan” production team

Editor in charge: Li Hao#



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