[Current Affairs Scan]Li Qiang visits Russia and sings praises. Russian troops beat Chinese fishermen | Russia-Ukraine war | Zelensky | Putin

[The Epoch Times, August 23, 2024]Hello everyone, and welcome to “Current Affairs Gold Scan.” I am Jin Ran. As a reminder, our weekly program premiere schedule has changed: we now air on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11 p.m. Eastern Time (New York time), which corresponds to Tuesday in China and Taiwan, premiering at 11 p.m. on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Today’s focus: The Ukrainian army has invaded Russia’s third region, Moscow, encountering large-scale resistance; Zelensky unexpectedly appeared at the Russian-Ukrainian border, prompting Putin to travel to Chechnya to confront him; tanks from both nations engaged in close combat, an unprecedented event; Li Qiang visited Russia, offering praise, while Russian border guards assaulted Chinese fishermen.

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A friend asked why I’ve been discussing the Russia-Ukraine war frequently in recent episodes. Am I looking to shift to a military channel? My focus on this topic arises from my personal interest in military affairs and the fact that the Russia-Ukraine conflict remains one of the most significant news stories currently.

I previously mentioned that I might shift to topics like travel or food once the CCP ceases to harm China and the world. For now, we will continue to delve into the Russia-Ukraine war as another major event has occurred. After launching attacks in Russia’s Kursk and Belgorod regions, the Ukrainian army has now invaded a third Russian region.

The Ukrainian Army Invades a Third Russian Region; Zelensky Visits the Sumei War Zone

On August 22, the Ukrainian army opened a new front by invading Russia’s Bryansk Oblast from the northern border. This marks the third Russian territory the Ukrainian forces have penetrated after Kursk and Belgorod. Bryansk holds significance as it is situated at the crossroads of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus and is the nearest Ukrainian border point to Moscow, just 450 kilometers away.

A Russian military channel verified the Ukrainian army’s maneuvers, reporting that over 200 Ukrainian soldiers attempted to seize the village of Zabrama in Bryansk. It appears that Ukraine’s current strategy targets weak points along the lengthy Russian-Ukrainian border, using tactics previously successful in Kursk. However, the main force of the Russian army remains engaged in confrontations with several major Ukrainian units, leading to vulnerable positions along the border.

Unexpectedly, Ukrainian President Zelensky visited the Russian-Ukrainian border on August 22. This marks his first visit to the Russian border in over two years since the onset of the conflict. He traveled to the Sumy war zone in Ukraine, located approximately 40 kilometers from the Russian border, where he met with the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Sersky, and the governor of Sumy region at the Ukrainian army headquarters.

Some viewers may wonder why there hasn’t been reporting on the latest attack in Bryansk Oblast. This reflects Zelensky’s strategic thinking. According to Ukrainian media, the intelligence operations that facilitated the Ukrainian invasion were meticulously planned, with only Zelensky and Commander Sersky privy to the specifics of their strategy. In essence, Zelensky is “personally directing and deploying” operations. Thus, neither the Russian army nor external observers were prepared for the developments.

Putin Travels to Chechnya Amidst Ukrainian Drone Threats

On the same day that Zelensky visited the Sumy front, Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Chechnya. You may recall that two weeks prior, when the Ukrainian army invaded Russia, the Chechen brigade stationed in Kursk was notably the quickest to respond. Putin seems poised to initiate a counter-offensive.

Images leaked online show Chechen leader Kadyrov personally accompanying Putin to a shooting range for relaxation, attempting to lift Putin’s spirits. Nevertheless, Putin, wearing brand new earmuffs, maintained a serious demeanor. It’s curious no one pointed out that the earmuffs appeared to be on incorrectly.

Putin’s mood is understandable; just the day before his trip to Chechnya, on August 21, the Ukrainian army executed a significant drone strike on Moscow, sounding rare alarms throughout the city.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that 45 drones were shot down, with 11 intercepted over Moscow. The Moscow mayor claimed there were no casualties or damage. However, local photographs raise questions about the veracity of this statement, showing dark, unlit areas of Moscow despite claims of no losses. This has led some to speculate whether the attack was a staged event or merely a reenactment of the theme in the song “at night outside Moscow.”

Ukrainian drones have been launching attacks throughout the region at night. While Moscow has mobilized extensive resources for defense, other areas are suffering from power outages.

On August 22, Ukrainian forces targeted Russia’s Caucasus port near Crimea, resulting in the explosion and sinking of a large ferry and the closure of the much-anticipated Crimean Bridge.

A military oil depot in Russia’s Rostov region was hit by a Ukrainian drone five days prior, leading to multiple explosions. The fire has persisted for five days and is growing increasingly intense, as seen in the footage captured by firefighters.

In response to the uncontrolled flames, local officials invited an Orthodox priest to pray at the site. However, residents reported that an explosion occurred shortly after the priest’s prayers.

Although Ukraine enjoys a numerical advantage in drone tactics, their slow flight speeds, combined with Russian military vigilance, lower their chances of success during daytime operations. Some Russians have recorded footage of Ukrainian long-range drones being shot down over Russian airspace.

On August 22, the Ukrainian army conducted raids in Russia’s Kursk region, claiming hundreds of battles occurred in a single day. During close combat between armored vehicles, an unusual self-inflicted incident occurred.

This wasn’t an isolated event. A notable Russian military blogger initiated an online fundraising campaign to procure seven Chinese-made DJI drones to support the Russian forces in Kursk, raising 1.8 million rubles. Once the Ukrainian army became aware of this, they contacted him under a false identity, offering to supply the drones he needed but requiring advance payment. On August 13, the blogger sent money to a shell company established by the Ukrainian army, but the promised drones never arrived. On August 20, he received only a thank-you video recorded by Wu Jun.

Li Qiang’s Visit to Russia; Russian Troops Assault Chinese Fishermen

Just before the Ukrainian drone strikes on Moscow and the invasion of the third Russian region, Chinese Premier Li Qiang visited Russia and met with Putin in the Kremlin on August 21.

Li Qiang emphasized that, under the strategic oversight of President Xi and President Putin, China-Russia relations have reached an unprecedented high.

The day after Li Qiang praised Putin, a video surfaced online showing a Russian border patrol speedboat “friendly” jumping onto a Chinese fishing vessel in the Ussuri River and physically assaulting the Chinese fishermen aboard, demonstrating a rather “kind” approach.

This incident adds to the historical narrative of China and Russia as “good neighbors and good friends.”

That concludes this episode of “Jiji Jin Scan.” We appreciate your support; please subscribe to our channel, like, comment, and share our content. Your direct financial support would also be greatly valued. See you next time.

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NTDTV’s “Jiushi Jin Scan” production team

Editor in charge: Li Hao#

The Ukrainian Army’s Invasion of Russia’s Third State

On August 22, 2024, the Ukrainian army launched a significant offensive, marking its invasion into Russia’s Bryansk Oblast. This strategic movement comes after previous incursions into Russia’s Kursk and Belgorod regions, making Bryansk the third Russian state to be engaged by Ukrainian forces. Situated at the junction of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, Bryansk is crucial due to its proximity to Moscow, only about 450 kilometers away.

Reports confirmed that over 200 Ukrainian soldiers aimed to occupy the village of Zabrama in Bryansk. This movement reflects Ukraine’s strategy of exploiting perceived weak points along the extended Russian-Ukrainian border, demonstrating a keen adaptability in military tactics. The pressure on the Russian army, split among various fronts, has left vulnerabilities ripe for exploitation.

In an unprecedented appearance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the frontline near the Sumy war zone, just 40 kilometers from the Russian border. This visit, the first since the war commenced, was strategically timed as he met with key military leaders, including Ukrainian Army Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Sersky.

Zelensky’s Strategic Military Decisions

Zelensky’s border visit underscores a highly confidential approach to Ukraine’s military strategy, with only a select few privy to the details of future operations. This tactical choice caught both the Russian military and external observers by surprise, emphasizing the importance of intelligence and planning in modern warfare.

The Ukrainian government has strategically leveraged military intelligence, enabling them to execute surprise attacks and keep their adversaries on the back foot. The well-coordinated invasion showcases the Ukrainian army’s preparation and understanding of battlefield dynamics.

Public Reactions and Media Coverage

Public curiosity surrounding Zelensky’s motivations for visiting the border has spurred discussions across media platforms. While some viewers expressed confusion over the relative silence on the Bryansk attack, others praised the calculated maneuvers of the Ukrainian forces. Thus, the media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of ongoing military conflicts.

Putin’s Response from Chechnya

In response to the Ukrainian army’s actions, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Chechnya amid concerns about escalating Ukrainian drone activity near Moscow. Photos circulated online depicting Putin at a shooting range, possibly in a bid to project strength and resolve, albeit with a somewhat comical oversight regarding his earmuffs.

Coinciding with Putin’s visit, a large-scale drone attack targeted Moscow, with the Russian Ministry of Defense confirming the interception of 45 drones, 11 of which were over the capital. Moscow’s mayor claimed no property damage occurred during the attack, raising suspicion among regional observers, as nighttime photos revealed unlit cityscapes.

Drone Warfare: A New Front in the Conflict

The Ukrainian army’s reliance on drones emphasizes a shift in modern warfare tactics, where aerial strikes become a tool for both offensives and psychological operations. Recent attacks included a dramatic strike on a ferry near Crimea and long-lasting consequences on oil depots in the Rostov region, igniting discussions on military preparedness and resource allocation.

Incident Reports and Implications

Date Event Description Location Outcome
August 22, 2024 Ukrainian Army invades Bryansk Oblast Bryansk, Russia Continued military engagement
August 21, 2024 Drone attack on Moscow Moscow No damage reported
August 22, 2024 Ukrainian army strikes a ferry Crimea Ferry destroyed

Li Qiang’s Visit to Russia

In a different context, Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Russia to meet Putin emphasized the strengthening ties between China and Russia. Li asserted that under the guidance of Presidents Xi and Putin, relations had reached unprecedented heights. However, just a day later, an incident involving the Russian border patrol violently interacting with Chinese fishermen highlighted underlying tensions.

China-Russia Relations: A Complicated Dynamics

The interactions between Chinese and Russian forces continue to draw attention. Despite the cordial official relations, incidents such as the Russian border patrol’s aggressive actions against Chinese fishermen provoke discussions regarding the complexities within China-Russia dynamics.

The Broader Implications of Current Affairs

As military actions unfold in Eastern Europe, observers are keen to investigate the broader implications for international relations and regional stability. The ongoing conflict highlights the necessity for nations to reassess their military strategies and diplomatic engagements in the face of emergent conflicts.

Military Strategies and Future Outlook

The evolving situation in Ukraine and Russia underscores the unpredictability of modern warfare. As nations continue to grapple with the challenges of technological advancements, such as drone warfare, military capabilities are continuously tested and refined. The landscape of military engagement is shifting, making adaptability and foresight crucial for national security.



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