Currency exchange rate in Cuba today. Price of the dollar, euro and MLC

How will the price of the US dollar, euro and Freely Convertible Currency (MLC) be in Cuba today, August 18? This is the exchange rate on the island this Sunday, both on the black market and on the official market.

The independent media outlet El Toque reports today on a certain stability in the prices of the dollar, euro and Freely Convertible Currency (MLC).

Currencies began the day with a slight stability on the Cuban black market, with the dollar, euro and MLC holding at 320, 330 and 275 CUP, respectively, according to the daily report of the aforementioned site. This pause in the downward trend, especially in the case of the dollar, could only be temporary, as we always reiterate as a warning.

This information, provided by one of the main sources on the informal economy in Cuba, reflects the current situation, but does not imply that it is definitive. The exchange rate of the dollar, euro or MLC on the island is not the same in the different provinces or municipalities. It is important to remember that these prices may vary depending on the region of the country. The informal exchange rate in Santa Clara is not the same as in Old Havana.

Currency exchange rate in Cuba today.

In recent weeks, there has been a downward trend, especially in the price of the US dollar, although in the informal currency market there is currently a certain stability that is usually temporary. However, on this occasion it lasted a week, which has attracted the attention of the general population and specialists.

Are we expecting a “rise” or a sharp fall in the price of the dollar, euro and MLC in Cuba today? And while this is happening on the black market, how is the exchange rate in Cuban banks, such as the Central Bank of Cuba?

exchange rate

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