2023-05-20 17:59:10
Summer residents were told how to achieve large currant berries
May 20 – NVL. Many summer residents know that the “neighborhood” of plants has a positive effect not only on their yield, but also on the size of the fruit.
Currants can grow very large if you know which plants are best planted next to them. To maintain a bountiful harvest and provide protection from pests, do not forget regarding active care. With a currant bush, it is best to plant vegetables and flowers that will protect it from harmful insects. So, you can plant calendula or marigolds – they will be excellent “neighbors” with currants. Details are transmitted by the Zen channel “Successful Harvest”.
Photo source: Editorial photo
To protect the plant from bud mites, it is best to plant onions or garlic near it. They cope with the task of scaring away the pest, reducing its number in the garden. You can also plant other garden crops nearby, such as parsley, arugula, and so on. Spicy herbs will also have a beneficial effect.
Photo source: Editorial photo
Some summer residents plant zucchini or tomatoes near currant bushes, saying that this way the berries become larger and tastier. A very important point: it is difficult to provide guaranteed protection by planting alone, but there will definitely be fewer diseases.
Photo source: Editorial photo
For feeding currants, it is best to use mineral fertilizers – ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. In the spring, it is necessary to apply nitrogen supplements if they were not applied in the fall. It is desirable to carry out both the first and second top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer.
#Currant #berries #size #quail #egg #Heres #plant