Culture of legality, the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Education and the Carabinieri has been renewed –

Today, in the sign of an already solid and profitable collaboration, a further piece was added to the institutional mosaic that connects the Carabinieri to young people. At the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Merit, in the presence of the Minister, Prof. Giuseppe Valditara and the General Commander of the Carabinieri, Gen. CA Teo Luzi, the new memorandum of understanding “Increasing young people’s culture of legality and awareness of the importance of safety, encouraging knowledge and respect for the rules”.

The document, at its third renewal, integrates the agreements already signed in the past since 2019. The force believes that the protection of safety does not exclude the implementation of educational interventions, aimed at increasing the broader and more in-depth culture of legality and of environmental issues. With this in mind, we are committed to spreading educational initiatives and projects throughout the school world, making the professional experiences and skills of the Benemerita soldiers available. Among the objectives is to raise students’ awareness of respect for the values ​​and principles of the Italian Constitution, for the exercise of active citizenship at every level of the social system.

In agreement with the Regional School Offices and the related territorial areas, numerous initiatives will be adopted to show a concrete and constructive closeness to the students on the part of the Carabinieri. The cycle of conferences on legality will continue in schools nationwide. In order to inspire personal creativity and associate it with the promoted theme, competitions will be held which will concern the fields of literature, art and short films. To understand “in the field” the peculiarity of the daily service carried out by thousands of women and men in uniform, the students will visit the territorial and specialty commands of the Army, also participating in educational-cultural days at nature reserves and state-owned areas managed by the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Unit Command.

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