Cultivating Wellness: A Pediatric Hospital’s Commitment to Supporting Mental Health for Children and Their Families

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The “Niños de Acosta Ñu” General Pediatric Hospital has a Mental Health department that provides support to its patients and their families. In addition, it provides visits to the inpatient wards to assist those who are admitted due to mental disorders.

The Internal Medicine area is where patients are admitted for mental disorders as well as physical conditions. However, they are subject to bed availability since, as it is a national reference hospital, bed occupancy reaches 100% most of the time, reported the Ministry of Public Health.

The facility says that the hospitalization of children and young people for mental health problems is a wake-up call for the adult population. This service has registered approximately 200 hospitalized children between the ages of 6 and 19, for symptoms of mental disorders, in the last six months. Most of the hospitalizations were due to suicidal behavior.

Nelson Sánchez, a psychiatrist and head of the Mental Health Department at Acosta Ñu, mentioned that they frequently see young people with mental disorders arriving at the hospital, often driven by suicidal thoughts. “It is a painful and worrying reality that forces us to act,” said the professional.

The key, says Sánchez, is early detection of the signs that manifest themselves through behavior. If children and young people show behavioral changes such as social isolation, sadness or irritability that is not usual for children, a decline in academic performance, changes in appetite or sleep, these may be signs that something is not right.

In the face of manifestations of behavioral changes, she suggests that adults responsible for caring for children and adolescents create an environment of trust where children and young people feel safe to express how they feel, without being criticized, and to ask for help. She emphasizes that professional help should be sought at the hospital closest to the home if any warning signs are identified.

“We firmly believe in the importance of prevention and the promotion of mental health in the community,” said Sánchez. He also stressed that everyone, together, can change the situation that children and young people are going through. “Just like other diseases, mental disorders can be prevented and treated effectively,” said the professional.

#Pediatric #Hospital #supports #mental #health #patients #families
2024-09-08 02:28:37

Mental health children

The Importance of Recognizing and Responding to Child Mental‍ Health Issues

Child mental health is a critical aspect of a child’s⁤ overall well-being, and it’s essential to recognize and respond to ‍any issues that may arise. According to the NSPCC, over half of all Childline counselling⁤ sessions‌ in 2022/23 related to mental or emotional ‌health and wellbeing⁢ [[1]]. This highlights the need for adults to be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health problems ⁢in children and take action​ to provide support.

What is Children’s Mental Health?

Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental and emotional ​milestones and⁤ learning healthy social skills ‌and how to cope ⁣with ⁤challenges [[2]].​ Children and youth will exhibit different moods, thoughts, and behaviors at ​various times, and‌ it’s essential to distinguish between normal childhood behaviors and signs of a⁢ mental illness.

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues in Children

Many children and youth ​will exhibit different moods, thoughts, and behaviors at various times that ​can be part of normal ​childhood‌ development. ‍However, if these changes persist or are severe, ⁤they may be signs of ⁤a mental illness [[3]]. Some common ⁢signs of mental ⁢health issues in children include:

Behavioral ⁢changes such as social isolation,⁤ sadness, or irritability

Decline in academic performance

⁤Changes in appetite or sleep patterns

Suicidal behavior or⁣ thoughts

The ‌Importance of Early Detection and Intervention

Early⁤ detection‍ and intervention‍ are critical in⁣ addressing‌ mental health⁢ issues in ⁤children. Nelson ⁣Sánchez, a psychiatrist and ‌head of the Mental Health Department at Acosta Ñu, emphasizes the importance of ⁢creating⁢ an environment⁢ of trust‌ where children feel safe to express their feelings without being criticized [[4]]. ⁢This allows adults to identify potential issues early on and⁤ provide support to‌ prevent more severe⁤ problems from developing.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Adults responsible for caring for children and ‌adolescents can play a vital role in creating ​a supportive ⁣environment that encourages open communication and trust. By:

Being aware of the signs and symptoms of mental ⁣health issues

Creating a safe and non-judgmental space⁣ for children to express their feelings

‌ Providing emotional support and validation

Encouraging‍ healthy coping mechanisms⁤ and behaviors

Adults can help ‌children and‌ young people feel supported and empowered to manage their‌ mental health.


Child mental​ health is a critical aspect ⁢of a child’s overall well-being, and it’s essential​ to recognize and respond to any issues ⁣that may‍ arise. ‍By being aware of the signs and ​symptoms of mental health issues, creating a supportive ​environment, ​and providing early intervention, adults can help children and young people develop healthy coping mechanisms ⁣and behaviors. It’s time⁣ to take action and prioritize child mental health to ensure that our children grow‍ up to be happy, healthy, and resilient individuals.






Child and adolescent mental health

Children’s Mental Health: A Growing Concern

Mental health in childhood is a critical aspect of a child’s overall well-being. It encompasses reaching developmental and emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills, and developing coping mechanisms to deal with problems [[1]]. However, a growing number of children and young people are struggling with mental health disorders, making it a pressing issue that needs attention.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Children

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), approximately 20 million children in the United States can be diagnosed with a mental health disorder [[3]]. This statistic is alarming, and it’s essential to understand the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions in children to provide them with the necessary support.

Recognizing the Signs of Mental Illness in Children

Mental health conditions in children are often characterized by delays or changes in thinking, behaviors, social skills, or emotional regulation [[2]]. Some common signs of mental health disorders in children include:

Behavioral changes, such as social isolation, sadness, or irritability

Decline in academic performance

Changes in appetite or sleep patterns

Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

It’s essential to identify these signs early on, as they can be indicative of a larger mental health issue. Nelson Sánchez, a psychiatrist and head of the Mental Health Department at Acosta Ñu, emphasizes the importance of early detection, stating, “The key is early detection of the signs that manifest themselves through behavior.”

The Importance of Prevention and Promotion of Mental Health

Prevention and promotion of mental health in children are crucial in addressing this growing concern. Creating an environment of trust, where children and young people feel safe to express their feelings and ask for help, is vital. Additionally, seeking professional help from a hospital or mental health provider closest to home can make a significant difference in a child’s life.


Children’s mental health is a critical issue that requires attention and action. By understanding the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, promoting mental health, and seeking professional help when needed, we can work together to provide support to children and young people struggling with mental health issues. As Nelson Sánchez emphasizes, “We firmly believe in the importance of prevention and the promotion of mental health in the community.” Let’s work together to create a healthier, more supportive environment for our children.







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