Well, well, well! Alanis Morissette is gracing Budapest with her presence! It’s like the universe knew we were in desperate need of some angsty 90s nostalgia. If you’re one of those people who still belts out “You Oughta Know” in the shower, prepare your vocal cords for an absolute treat – she’ll be performing at Budapest Park on July 21. Mark it, people!
Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate what Ms. Morissette has achieved since her debut in ’95. Seven Grammy Awards! And yet here we are, still trying to figure out how to keep our houseplants alive. This woman can fill a stadium with her feelings, while I can barely fill a room with an IKEA flat-pack. Her album Jagged Little Pill is turning the big 3-0! If that doesn’t make you feel old, I don’t know what will. It’s a certified classic—the type of album you listen to when you want to feel empowered or just wallow in good ol’ heartbreak.
And speaking of wallowing, did you know she was supposed to perform in Budapest back in October 2020? But, plot twist! COVID arrived like an unwanted Alex Reed at a dinner party and ruined all those plans. It’s like waiting for your favorite series to come back, only for it to be canceled. But DELIGHT! She’s back! And let’s hope this time we can actually enjoy it without any, you know, pandemics crashing the show.
Alanis isn’t just a musical icon, she’s also an activist and women’s rights advocate. She’s out there changing the world while we’re just trying to change the batteries in our remotes.
So grab your tickets, Budapest! Whether you’ve been in love or a toxic relationship with nostalgia, this concert is bound to be one rollercoaster of emotions. Just remember to bring tissues—at least for when you hear “Ironic,” and maybe a back-up drink to drown your sorrows in when those ‘90s feelings hit hard. Cheers to you, Alanis! You continue to rock, even if we still can’t figure out the irony in the world today.
Cult: Alanis Morissette is coming to Budapest | hvg.hu
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2024. November. 12. 10:56 2024. November. 22. 13:16 Cool
He will perform in Budapest Park on July 21.
Alanis Morissette has been one of the most influential singer-songwriters of contemporary popular music since 1995. His expressive music and performance brought him not only critical acclaim, but also seven Grammy Awards. Last month, Morissette announced her 2025 world tour, which will also include Budapest, the singer will perform in Budapest Park on July 21.
Alanis Morissette will be 30 years old next year Jagged Little Pill which was followed by nine more eclectic and successful albums. Morissette has contributed to theater productions and appeared in several series and films. In addition to her appearances in the entertainment industry, she is an enthusiastic activist and advocate for women’s rights.
Alanis Morissette was supposed to perform in Budapest in October 2020, but that concert had to be postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic, and although a date was sought for her a year later, her performance ultimately did not take place.
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