Cúcuta’s Mayor Sets Ambitious Goal to Enroll 1,000 Homeless Individuals in Life-Changing Rehabilitation Initiatives

The mayor of Cúcuta, Jorge Acevedo Peñaloza, arrived at the Temporary Center for Homeless People to observe how his care program for this vulnerable population is progressing, to inspect the facilities and to learn first-hand the life stories of those who are present there to begin their detoxification and rehabilitation process.

“This is not just a strategy of the administration, it is an initiative that wants to change the perspective of the people of Cúcuta regarding the homeless. We want everyone to see them as human beings, with rights and dreams, we want to put ourselves in their shoes and make them feel part of society, without stigmatizing or discriminating against them. That is why we are working hard, with our hearts and with a team of professionals who go around the municipality characterizing and motivating these people,” said the president.

Hope and confidence are the perfect mix for the conversion of homeless people with the strategy ‘Giving New Life‘, designed and implemented by the mayor of Cúcuta. To date, 27 citizens are ready to be transferred to regional rehabilitation centers, for a total of 112 who have begun the road to recovery. The goal is that, during the four-year period, a thousand people will begin this process.

The mayor toured the site and talked to people as they went about their daily tasks, such as recreational activities and painting. Moved, he invited the participants of the strategy not to give up, to give everything to renew their lives, he listened actively and engaged in friendly dialogues, in the company of the director of the Department of Social Welfare (DABS), Beatriz Vélez.

It is worth noting that this centre also carries out diagnostic tests on those admitted, such as HIV and tuberculosis tests, to prepare people before leaving for rehabilitation centres.

#Mayors #Office #Cúcuta #hopes #bring #thousand #homeless #people #Rehabilitation #Centers
2024-09-08 02:20:38

Here are⁤ some “People‍ Also Ask” (PAA) related questions for ⁣the title “Caring for the Homeless in Cúcuta: ⁣A⁤ Beacon of‌ Hope for a Vulnerable Population”:

Title: Caring for the Homeless in Cúcuta: ​A Beacon of Hope for a ​Vulnerable Population

Meta‌ Description: Discover how the ‍city of Cúcuta is working to provide care and support to its ‌homeless ⁢population, with ​initiatives like the Temporary Center for Homeless‍ People ​and the “Giving New Life” ​strategy.

Header Tags:

H1:⁣ Caring for the ⁣Homeless in Cúcuta: A Beacon ⁣of Hope​ for ‍a Vulnerable Population

H2: Changing ‍Perspectives and Providing Support

H2: The “Giving‍ New Life” Strategy: A Path to Recovery

​H2:⁢ Community Efforts and Partnerships


Cúcuta, a⁣ city in Colombia, is taking robust steps to‍ provide care and support to ‍its⁢ homeless population. The mayor, Jorge Acevedo Peñaloza, recently visited the Temporary Center ‍for Homeless People to observe the progress of the ‌care program and learn about the life stories of⁢ those undergoing detoxification and rehabilitation.

The city’s initiative ⁤is‌ not just a strategy, but‍ a commitment to changing ‍the perspective of the people ‌of Cúcuta regarding the homeless. As the mayor said, “We want everyone to see them as human beings, with rights and⁤ dreams,⁣ we⁢ want ⁣to put ourselves in their‍ shoes and make them feel part of society, without stigmatizing ​or discriminating against them.” [[1]]

The “Giving ‍New Life” strategy, designed ⁤and implemented by the ‍mayor, aims to provide hope and confidence to homeless⁣ individuals. ‍To date, 27 citizens‌ are ready to be transferred to regional rehabilitation centers, with a total of 112 having begun the road to recovery. The goal‍ is to support a thousand people in ‍this process over‍ the next four years. [[1]]

The Temporary Center for Homeless‍ People not only provides shelter but also offers recreational ⁤activities, painting, and diagnostic tests, such ‍as HIV and tuberculosis tests, to prepare individuals for ⁣rehabilitation centers. The center’s team ‌of professionals works hard to characterize and motivate the homeless population, with a focus on providing a comprehensive and humanized approach. [[1]]

Community efforts⁤ and ⁣partnerships are crucial in ​supporting the homeless ⁢population. Organizations ⁢like Rescate sin Fronteras and Helping ⁢Hands Cúcuta are⁤ working ​tirelessly‌ to provide essential services, such as barber‌ services and clothing distribution, to those in need. These efforts ⁣demonstrate the power‌ of ⁢collaboration and commitment to‍ creating positive change in ‍the community. [[2]][[3]]

The average salary for a Homeless Shelter Worker in Cúcuta is around 18,598,500 ​COP per year, which ⁣highlights the dedication and hard work of these professionals who are making a difference in the lives of the homeless population. [[4]]

the city ⁣of Cúcuta is setting an example for‌ other municipalities⁣ by prioritizing the care and support of⁤ its homeless population. The “Giving New ​Life” strategy, combined with community efforts and partnerships, offers a beacon of hope ‍for a vulnerable population. As the mayor said, “We want everyone to ‍see them as human⁤ beings, with rights and​ dreams…” –​ a sentiment that resonates deeply with the values ‍of compassion and humanity.






Is homelessness increasing

Cúcuta’s Efforts to Support Homeless Population: A Beacon of Hope

In recent years, Cúcuta, a border city in Colombia, has been grappling with a significant influx of homeless individuals, many of whom are Venezuelan refugees fleeing the economic crisis in their home country. However, the city has taken a proactive approach to address this issue, with the mayor, Jorge Acevedo Peñaloza, at the forefront of the efforts.

The mayor’s initiative, dubbed “Giving New Life,” aims to provide a comprehensive support system for the homeless population, focusing on detoxification, rehabilitation, and social integration. The program has been designed to change the perspective of the people of Cúcuta regarding the homeless, recognizing them as human beings with rights and dreams, rather than stigmatizing or discriminating against them.

As part of this initiative, the mayor has established a Temporary Center for Homeless People, which provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to begin their journey towards recovery. The center offers a range of facilities and services, including recreational activities, painting, and diagnostic tests such as HIV and tuberculosis screenings. These tests are crucial in preparing individuals before they are transferred to regional rehabilitation centers.

The mayor’s commitment to the cause is evident in his personal involvement in the program. He has been visiting the center, interacting with the residents, and listening to their stories. His approach is one of empathy and understanding, encouraging the participants to stay committed to their rehabilitation process and offering words of motivation and support.

The statistics are promising, with 27 citizens already ready to be transferred to regional rehabilitation centers, and a total of 112 individuals having begun the road to recovery. The ultimate goal is to support 1,000 people in their journey towards a better life over the next four years.

Cúcuta’s efforts to support its homeless population are not isolated incidents. The city has also been involved in other initiatives, such as the provision of shelter for Venezuelans fleeing the crisis in their home country [[3]]. In 2018, Colombia opened a border shelter for Venezuelans, which provided shelter for up to 48 hours for 120 people a day [[3]]. Additionally, organizations like XOCO have launched pilot programs in Cúcuta, focusing on empowering girls and providing a safe haven for homeless refugee girls [[2]].

In contrast, there have also been instances where the authorities have had to take tougher measures to address the issue of homelessness. In 2018, Colombia evicted over 200 homeless Venezuelans who had been squatting in a sports field in Cúcuta [[1]].

Cúcuta’s efforts to support its homeless population are a beacon of hope for those struggling to get back on their feet. The city’s proactive approach, led by the mayor’s initiative, is a shining example of how a community can come together to support its most vulnerable members. As the city continues to work towards a brighter future for all its citizens, it is essential to recognize the importance of empathy, understanding, and support in addressing the complex issue of homelessness.







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