Cubans on mission will need a “favorable evaluation” to import cars

Cuba makes the importation of cars by officials on missions conditional on a “favorable performance” evaluation.

Relaxing long-standing restrictions on car imports, but with specific conditions for officials working in state missions abroad, such as diplomats and collaborators.

This measure, announced in the midst of the continuing crisis of public transport on the island, continues to subordinate the possibility of importing vehicles to the political evaluation and performance of these officials.

According to Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, Cuba’s Minister of Transportation, public officials who have at least three years of continuous service abroad and who receive a favorable evaluation of their performance will be able to import a car once for their family.

Permitted vehicles include new or second-hand cars (up to 10 years old), electric, combustion or hybrid cars, as long as they are economical or medium-sized.


The import process, however, is not without costs. Officials will have to cover all expenses related to the import of the vehicle from their income.

In addition, the import tariffs stipulated will be 100 dollars for electric cars, 200 dollars for hybrids and 300 dollars for those with combustion engines. In addition to these costs, customs services must be paid in convertible currencies, with a value of 8 dollars.

Rodríguez Dávila also indicated that those who do not wish to import a vehicle directly can choose to buy one in Cuba through authorized dealers, benefiting from a 50% discount on taxes paid in convertible currencies.

The Ministry of Transport (MITRANS) is evaluating solutions for employees who work in countries where vehicles have the steering wheel on the right, since these cannot circulate in Cuba. In such cases, the possibility of acquiring the vehicle in a third country is being considered.

This change in vehicle import policy is part of a broader context of measures adopted by the Cuban government in response to the serious transport and energy crisis affecting the country.

Other laws and regulations

Let us recall that in February 2023, Decree 83/2023 was approved, which regulates the transfer of ownership of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as their marketing and importation in freely convertible currency (MLC) for all Cuban and foreign legal entities.

Despite the difficult economic situation, new luxury vehicles have been seen circulating on Cuban streets, imported by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from the United States. Brands such as Mercedes-Benz, GMC, Range Rover, BMW, Toyota, Kia and Mini Cooper have become more common in Cuban cities.

A report by the U.S.-Cuba Economic and Trade Council (USCTEC) revealed that between January 2023 and May 2024, imports of new and used vehicles, including motorcycles and spare parts, exceeded $20 million. In the same period, Cuban businessmen imported vehicles and parts from the United States for almost $10 million, although only $357,442 corresponded to new cars.

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