Cuban or Mexican doctors? that’s not the dilemma

The discussion of Cuban vs Mexican doctors in addition to being schizophrenic, he is sterile. The reality is that we have a whole wing of alternative and complementary doctors from naturists, herbal healers, biomagnetism, acupuncture, etc., with a great community vocation who have risen to the occasion to counteract the shortcomings of the health system during the pandemic and Despite this, we make the fat broth for the laboratories.

In Mexico there are alternative and complementary medicine movements that have been clamoring for years to be recognized and regulated, but neither the legislation nor the health system have given them access, largely due to the great influence that laboratories have within the public health institutions and that over the years have been empowered at the highest levels, block from the legislation (as happened in CDMX with the emotional health law) research, certification and protocols, despite the fact that a vast majority; mainly in marginalized areas, they attend to their alternative doctors; that is to say, a woman in Cuetzalan is more likely to go to the village midwife than to go down to the nearest hospital traveling for hours on the curved roads (and still destroyed in many sections following Hurricane Grace) of the northern highlands of Puebla, regions in which it is worth noting that they were among those with the fewest deaths from COVID-19

As if that were not enough, Mexico has first-class doctors and scientists with recognition in many parts of the world, but here we do not give them the space and credit they deserve, such as Dra del Río and her crystal water H2O37, Dr Alcocer and the translation of the book of the yellow emperor with which he has founded one of the most important schools of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in the world; Institute “Alcocer” Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, to which Chinese come to learn, Dr Goiz (QEPD) who developed the biomagnetism pair technique that is used in many parts of the world, likewise there are already academic institutes that prepare young with all these techniques such as MASACH in Puebla or CUAM in CDMX.

Both naturopathic, alternative and complementary were vital to correct all the deficiencies of the health system during the pandemic and have to their credit lots of success stories, they were anonymous heroes who have not only saved present lives, but also future ones, because alternative medicine You have to go to the emotional root and habits that help to have good health permanently.

What if Cuban doctors are good? Of course, yes, but it is precisely because they have bet on their own medicine, on their own development and training of personnel in their own techniques. Bringing Cuban doctors with a high burden in their training of alternative and complementary techniques while in Mexico they continue to turn their backs on alternative doctors is schizophrenic when what is urgently needed is to legislate the alternative and complementary, regulate it, integrate it into the health system, avoid that charlatan merchants of complementary techniques that heal are not hanged.

All this also in a context of vital importance of a debate that impacts the whole world and in which all public opinion should be focused, which is the one referring to the pandemic treaty in which the sovereignty of the State is lost, leaving it in the hands of the WHO the decisions of what to do around health.

I hope that they take advantage of the fact that new doctors are going to be hired, that they not only be Cuban but also that they be hired from the State; for the first time, to alternative and complementary Mexican doctors and that at all costs we defend the sovereignty of the stewardship of health policy to Mexicans.



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