Cuban Media Praises Advancements in Mexico’s Judicial Reforms

Cuban Media Praises Advancements in Mexico’s Judicial Reforms

MEXICO CITY.— Through his account on the social network “X”, formerly Twitter, the Cuban newspaper Granma He shared information about judicial reform in Mexico, highlighting that “the administration of justice is now in the hands of the people.”

The Cuban media adds that, “With the novelty that judges are now allowed to be elected through popular vote, the citizens of the country will be in charge of nominating those who administer justice.”

The journalist’s article Elson Concepcion Perezpublished last night, Thursday, revealed that “The Judicial Reform promoted by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, achieved in record time the support of the 18 state congresses that it required to be enacted, after having been approved in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate according to reports from Russia Today.”

Among the states that approved the reform are Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo, which make up the Yucatán Peninsula.

The publication does not mention the massive demonstrations against the reform or the work stoppage being held by employees of the Judiciary.

On social media, various media outlets reported the information published by the Cuban media.

The article explains that, “Starting in 2025, Mexicans will vote directly for those who will occupy positions in the Supreme Court of Justice and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.”

He added that, “President López Obrador has reaffirmed that the Judicial Reform seeks to cleanse the justice system of corruption.”

He concludes by pointing out that some sectors of the opposition, NGOs, as well as the United States, “have spoken out against the project that has already been approved.”

You may also like: “Judge stops publication of Judicial Reform in the Official Gazette”

#Cuban #newspaper #highlights #approval #judicial #reform #Mexico
2024-09-17 21:02:18

– What are the ‌main attributes of‌ the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but the‍ provided content isn’t related to ⁢the HTML

element. It appears to be a news article about judicial reform​ in Mexico, shared ‍by the ‌Cuban newspaper Granma.

However,‌ if you’d like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the⁢ topic of the

element in HTML.


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a fundamental component in HTML, used⁣ to define ‍a division ​or a section⁢ of a web page. ⁤It⁢ is a generic ⁣container element ​that can be used‌ to group elements for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

What is ⁢the



element is a block-level⁢ element⁤ that stands for⁢ “division”‍ or “container.” It is used to wrap‌ one or more elements in a single container, allowing developers to apply styles, layout, and semantic meaning to a group of⁣ elements.

Syntax and Usage

The basic ⁣syntax of‍ the

element is ⁤as follows:

Content goes here


element ⁣can be used to wrap any type of content, including text, images,​ headings, paragraphs, and​ other HTML elements.

Attributes ⁤and Properties


​ element ⁤supports ⁤a range of ⁣attributes and properties that can be used to customize its⁢ behavior and appearance. Some of the most commonly used attributes and properties include:

class: Used to assign ‌one or more class names to the element, allowing for CSS ⁣styling and JavaScript selection.

id: Used to assign a unique identifier to the ‌element, allowing for CSS styling and JavaScript ⁣selection.

style: ⁣Used to apply ‌inline CSS styles ⁤to the element.

role: Used ‌to define the semantic role ⁢of the element, such as ​”navigation” or “main”.

aria-: Used⁣ to define accessibility attributes and properties for screen ‍readers and other⁤ assistive technologies.

Semantics ⁢and Accessibility

While the

element is often used to group ​elements for ​styling or layout purposes, it is essential to remember that it lacks semantic meaning. This means⁣ that screen readers and ⁣search engines may not interpret‍ the content⁣ within a

element as ‍having a specific meaning ‍or purpose.

To improve semantics and accessibility, developers⁢ can use more ​specific HTML ⁢elements that provide a clear meaning and ⁣purpose, ​such as:

for header sections