Cuban government admits shortage due to price caps for MSMEs

The Cuban government admits that there is currently a significant shortage of chicken in MSMEs due to the price cap policy.

A little over a month after Resolution 225 came into force, which imposes a cap on the prices of basic products, the Cuban government has recognized that the availability of chicken in MSMEs has been severely affected.

This measure, aimed at controlling inflation and alleviating the economic burden on the population, has resulted in a notable shortage of the product in some markets. This affects both consumers and merchants in Santiago de Cuba, according to the official newspaper Sierra Maestra.

The Ministry of Finance and Prices (MFP) had stated that the resolution was aimed at temporarily reducing the prices of six products in high demand. These include cut chicken, oil, powdered milk, pasta and sausages, in order to curb inflation and protect citizens’ purchasing power.

Opposite effect

However, the implementation of this measure has led to the disappearance of chicken from points of sale in the province of Santiago de Cuba, a situation that the government has publicly acknowledged.

Yanet Aniuska Vichot González, coordinator of Programs and Objectives to Address the Economy in Santiago de Cuba, said that, although no businesses have been closed in the province, violations of the price cap are faced daily, particularly with products such as chicken and milk, which have recorded the majority of violations.

Faced with this situation, several merchants and owners of MSMEs have stated that the lack of differentiation in prices according to the variety of products has led them to withdraw certain items from the market.

They have also requested greater support in the import and transport of goods in order to comply with price regulations without affecting product availability.

In response to the shortages caused by the pricing policy, some owners of MSMEs have chosen to hide merchandise in protest. This has led the Cuban regime to intensify inspections in businesses.

This measure, implemented to control inflation exacerbated by the government’s economic policies, has generated tensions both among merchants and among consumers who suffer from the lack of basic products.

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