Cuba Braces for an Academic Challenge: The Urgent Need for Educational Reform

Cuba Braces for an Academic Challenge: The Urgent Need for Educational Reform

HAVANA (EFE).— A shortage of teachers and problems with uniforms will impact the start of the school year in Cuba today, Monday, evidence of the damage that the serious crisis in the country is inflicting on state education, one of the pillars of the revolution.

Cuban Education Minister Naima Trujillo Barreto acknowledged this week that this “is going to be a difficult year,” but added that “nothing will prevent” the island from maintaining the “principles of free and universal education” and its “aspirations in terms of quality.”

Today, Monday, schools open for 1.6 million children and young people in primary, secondary and pre-university education across the country, with 12.5% ​​of teaching positions unfilled – one in eight – and most uniforms still undelivered.

Trujillo acknowledged that the main challenge facing the new school year is the lack of teachers. The staff is 156,000 strong, with another 12,000 teachers (among them retirees) returning to the workforce, but the country needs about 24,000 more.

This problem is influenced by factors such as low pay and the lack of attractiveness of teaching careers for young people.


#Difficult #school #year #Cuba #teachers
2024-09-14 14:04:52

What are the main‍ advantages of using the

element ‌in HTML? ‍ ​

The Importance​ of ‍

in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of ⁣the most fundamental and versatile elements in HTML, used to group together other elements and apply styles, layout, and formatting to⁣ a section of a web page.‌ In this article, we will delve into‍ the world of

and​ explore its significance, syntax, and usage, along with its advantages and potential ⁢pitfalls.

What is the



element, short for “division,” is a generic container element that wraps⁣ around ⁣other HTML elements ⁤to create a block-level element. It is used to group elements ⁤together​ for styling, layout, and ⁣structural⁢ purposes, without applying ‍any inherent meaning ‍or semantic value to the content it contains.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the

element ⁤is as follows:


The ‌

element can​ contain ⁤any type⁤ of content, including text, images, ⁣videos, tables, forms, and other⁣ HTML ⁢elements. The content of⁤ the ​

element is typically⁢ displayed as‍ a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of​ its parent element and starts on a new line.

Common Uses of


element has numerous uses‍ in HTML‌ and web development, including:

  1. Layout and structuring:
    is often used to create sections,‍ columns, and rows ‌in a web page,‌ and ⁣to apply layout ⁤styles⁤ such as margins, padding, and borders.
  2. Grouping elements:
    can be‌ used to group together related elements, making it easier to apply styles, JavaScript effects, or accessibility features to multiple elements ⁢at once.
  3. Applying styles:
    can be used to apply‌ CSS styles, such as colors, fonts, and ⁢backgrounds, to a ‍section of a web page.
  4. Semantic grouping:
    ​can be used‍ to group‍ together elements that are ‍semantically related, making​ it⁣ easier for search engines and screen readers to understand the⁢ structure‌ of the content.

Advantages ‍of ‌


element has several advantages, including:

  1. Flexibility:‌
    can be used in a variety of ways, making ⁤it a versatile and popular choice among web developers.
  2. Easy to use:‍ The syntax of⁢
    is simple and easy to understand, making ‌it accessible‌ to developers of all skill levels.
  3. Wide browser support:
    is supported by all modern browsers, making it ⁢a reliable choice for cross-browser compatibility.

Potential ⁢Pitfalls of


is a powerful and versatile element, it can also be misused or overused, ‌leading to:

  1. Semantic meaning ⁤loss: Overusing​
    can lead to a loss of semantic meaning in the HTML structure, making it harder for search engines and screen readers to ‌understand the content.
  2. Bloated⁢ HTML: Excessive use of⁤
    can result in bloated HTML ⁢code, making the page heavier and⁤ slower to load.
  3. Accessibility⁢ issues: Misusing
    can lead to accessibility issues, such as making‌ it difficult for screen readers to navigate the content.

Best Practices for‍ Using

To get the most out ‌of the

element, follow these best practices:

  1. Use
    sparingly: Only use

    when necessary, and try to use more semantic ⁣elements whenever possible.
  2. Use​ meaningful class names: Use descriptive and meaningful class ⁢names to apply styles and semantics to⁤ the
  3. Keep it simple: Avoid nesting too ⁣many
    elements, and try to keep your HTML structure simple and easy to understand.



element is a fundamental building block of ‌HTML, providing a versatile ‍and flexible way to group together other elements and apply styles and layout to a section of a‌ web page. By understanding the ⁣syntax, usage, and ‌advantages ⁣of

, web developers can create more efficient, accessible, ⁤and semantic ​HTML⁢ code. However, ⁢it ⁣is essential to use

responsibly, following best practices and avoiding⁤ potential pitfalls.

Why is the `

` element considered fundamental in HTML?

The Importance of

in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most fundamental and versatile elements in HTML, used to group together other elements and apply styles, layout, and formatting to a section of a web page. In this article, we will delve into the world of

and explore its significance, syntax, and usage, along with its advantages and potential pitfalls.

What is the



element, short for “division,” is a generic container element that wraps around other HTML elements to create a block-level element. It is used to group elements together for styling, layout, and structural purposes, without applying any inherent meaning or semantic value to the content it contains.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the

element is as follows:



element can contain any type of content, including text, images, multimedia, and even other HTML elements. It can be used to create sections, layouts, and designs for a web page, making it an essential element in web development.

Advantages of using

  1. Layout and Formatting:
    allows developers to create complex layouts and apply styles, such as margins, padding, and borders, to sections of a web page.
  2. Grouping Elements:
    enables developers to group together related elements, making it easier to manage and maintain code.
  3. Semantic Meaning: Although
    itself does not provide semantic meaning, it can be used to create elements with semantic meaning, such as headers, footers, and navigation bars.
  4. Flexibility:
    is a generic element that can be used in a variety of contexts, making it a versatile tool for web developers.
  5. Accessibility:
    can be used to improve accessibility by providing a way to group elements together for screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Common Use Cases for

  1. Layout:
    is often used to create grid systems, wrap sections of content, and apply layout styles to a web page.
  2. Content Organization:
    is used to group related content together, such as articles, comments, and profiles.
  3. Widgets and Modules:
    is used to create reusable widgets and modules, such as social media feeds, calendars, and sliders.
  4. Responsive Design:
    is used to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Potential Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Overuse: Overusing
    can lead to bloated code and make it difficult to maintain and update.
  2. Lack of Semantics: Using
    without providing semantic meaning can make it difficult for search engines and screen readers to understand the structure of a web page.
  3. Inconsistent Styling: Using
    without a consistent styling approach can lead to inconsistencies in layout and design.

Best Practices for Using

  1. Use
    sparingly: Only use

    when necessary, and avoid using it unnecessarily.
  2. Provide semantic meaning: Use
    to create elements with semantic meaning, such as headers, footers, and navigation bars.
  3. Use consistent styling: Use a consistent styling approach when using
    to ensure consistency in layout and design.


element is a powerful and versatile tool in HTML that can be used to group elements, apply styles, and create complex layouts. By understanding its significance, syntax, and usage, developers can effectively use

to create robust and maintainable web applications.



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