When the body hurts since childhood

2024-08-31 00:58:20

this osteoarthritis This is a condition that most commonly affects the hands, hips, and knees. It is characterized by the degeneration of cartilage within the joints, which can lead to pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Therefore Reducing a person’s ability to perform daily tasks, exercise, or work.

Some recent studies suggest that by 2050, nearly 1 billion people will have osteoarthritis.

Of course, until recently, osteoarthritis was thought to be a disease of older patients. But recently, people are beginning to discover that the set of discomforts that limit these young people’s daily lives is nothing more than early-stage osteoarthritis.

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These discomforts are often seen as joint inflammation, muscle tears, or other chronic muscle injuries that do not heal well, and patients are accustomed to enduring pain that does not subside and, of course, losing range of motion and ultimately quality of movement. Today, we see this not only affecting older patients, but we know it occurs in younger people as well, so prevention efforts are necessary.

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From this it is certain that we can treat the disease or slow its natural evolution.

The problem is, 20 years ago, a patient suffering from pain had a simple X-ray and was told there was nothing. We can now detect cartilage disease or small defects through early MRI or CT scans. These principles of osteoarthritis are completely treatable to avoid the eventual need for prosthetics.

Fortunately, today we have the appropriate technology to treat these conditions that predispose them to early stages of osteoarthritis.

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For example, it is popular today Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment. PRP is made by centrifuging the patient’s own blood to concentrate platelets, which is rich in growth factors that promote tissue repair and regeneration. This substance is injected into the affected joint with the goal of reducing inflammation and improving repair of damaged cartilage.

Clinical studies have shown that this treatment can significantly improve pain and joint function in approximately 60-80% of patients within the first six months to one year after treatment.

“Platelet-rich plasma treatment can significantly improve pain and joint function in about 60-80% of patients within six months.”

It should be said that while many patients experience pain relief for several months, the effects may be temporary and repeated injections may be required to maintain the benefits.

On the other hand, there are few side effects; at most, minor side effects may occur, such as temporary pain, inflammation, or swelling at the injection site.

There is a cure today stem cells They have the unique ability to differentiate into various types of tissue, including cartilage, bone, muscle, and can play a vital role in repairing damaged tissue.

For osteoarthritis, mesenchymal stem cells are often used, usually obtained from the patient’s own bone marrow or fat tissue.

exist osteoarthritis Commonly used mesenchymal stem cellsusually obtained from the patient’s own bone marrow or fat tissue.

Effectiveness depends on the stage of osteoarthritis and the type of stem cells used. Studies show that 70-90% of patients experience pain relief and improved joint function within six months to a year after treatment.

Unlike PRP, the effects of stem cell therapy can be longer-lasting, with improvements reportedly lasting 2 to 5 years in some cases.

Finally, it should be noted that there are factors that contribute to osteoarthritis that are not always taken into account. For example, repetitive microtraumawhich are activities that involve forced postures (e.g., bending, kneeling, jogging, etc.).

The same can happen with muscle imbalances, poor posture, a diet rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates, or chronic dehydration. There are some Home habits to relieve discomfort and pain, such as low-impact exercise, home physical therapy, heat and cold compresses, and Control your weight.

In short, the use of regenerative therapies is critical to providing effective and less invasive alternatives for the treatment of osteoarthritis, especially in the early stages.

With growing scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness, these treatments become critical tools in improving patients’ quality of life and reducing the need for future surgical intervention.

Additionally, supplementing these treatments with lifestyle changes and healthy habits can maximize their benefits and provide longer-lasting relief for people with this disease.

*Physicians, Traumatologists (MN 119,930)

#body #hurts #childhood



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