Cryptocurrencies and digital currencies: States regain control

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Cryptocurrencies, bitcoin in the lead, fascinate investors, but also worry, so much so that States are launching their own digital currencies. India is following in the footsteps of China and Nigeria with its rupee. Other major powers, such as the United States, the United Kingdom or the euro zone, are thinking regarding it via their central banks.

This is a resumption of control on the part of States and major financial institutions who do not want to miss the train of a technological evolution that is now inevitable. And who also want to limit certain abuses related to cryptocurrencies. Their extreme volatility is fueled by the power of certain influencers who are very popular among (often young) social media consumers.

Our guests :

Jamal Bouoyiour, economist and lecturer at the University of Pau

Faustine Fleuret, President and CEO of ADAN (Association for the Development of Digital Assets).

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