Crosetto: The Spotlight of ‘Spies’ Revealed

Rita Cavallaro

September 10, 2024

The spy pool had targeted Guido Crosetto and the Fratelli d’Italia party even before the Draghi government fell. Striano & Co had moved in those weeks in which the political climate had heated up, after Giuseppe Conte had opened the crisis and placed vetoes on the broad coalition government. At that time Giorgia Meloni, the only opposition, had begun to call for early elections and the founding father of Fratelli d’Italia returned to have a central role in the party, which saw Crosetto as an institutional guarantor figure capable of determining growth and ensuring a central role for Fdi. Precisely in those weeks, the Antimafia vermin dump was looking for a way to hit Crosetto. So much so that, in the new documents of the dossier investigation, the prosecutor of Perugia, Raffaele Cantone, underlines that before those suspicious articles with the compensation figures that had led the Minister of Defense to file the complaint, the financier Pasquale Striano had already carried out two illicit intrusions into the analysts’ system to spy on Crosetto in the midst of the Draghi government crisis, which fell on 21 July 2022. And that confidential information, stolen from one of the two SOS consulted by the spy, “appears to be present”, underlines Cantone, in an article published on 28 July 2022 in the newspaper Domani, entitled “Tutti gli affari di Crosetto”, by Emiliano Fittipaldi and Giovanni Tizian.

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The documents state: “From the analysis of the log files, it emerged that Striano had made a series of accesses on dates prior to the publication of the aforementioned article.” In the request for precautionary measures advanced by the prosecutor against Striano and the former DNA prosecutor Antonio Laudati, the two accesses deemed illicit and carried out by the financier on June 27 and July 12 are reported. The first, which led to nothing, concerns a transfer made by the FdI deputy, Ylenja Lucarelli, in favor of the party. The second, however, would have borne fruit. It is an illicit intrusion on Giancarlo Innocenzi Botti, former Mediaset manager, former Forza Italia deputy in the first Berlusconi government and then undersecretary in the second executive of the Cavaliere. Striano’s interest in Innocenzi Botti, among the 300 politicians and celebrities spied on, had remained unknown before the new investigations. But now investigators have connected the dots, in light of the information contained in the article, which has among its authors Tizian, investigated together with journalists Nello Trocchia and Stefano Vergine for unauthorized access and disclosure of the secret in collaboration with Striano.

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The investigation traces the affairs of Crosetto, at the time president of Aiad, focusing on an alleged conflict of interest for a company, founded in the midst of the Covid emergency, in which his son Alessandro was a partner, while the representative was precisely Innocenzi Botti, “who ended up in the crosshairs of anti-money laundering for a series of banking transactions deemed suspicious”, we read in the article, which refers to the regularization of some funds from abroad and the sale of a house in Miami. Precisely the information contained in the SOS that Striano opens on July 12, despite it having already been checked by the financiers of the Economic and Financial Nucleus of Rome, who had closed it on May 4 of the same year with a negative result, not finding any profile of investigative interest.

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#Crosetto #sights #spies #Tempo
2024-09-13 06:05:16

What are the details of the spy scandal involving Italian Minister Guido Crosetto?

Guido Crosetto: The Italian Politician at the Center of a Spy Scandal

Guido Crosetto,​ the Italian​ Minister of Defence since October‍ 2022, has found himself ⁣at⁤ the center of a spy scandal⁣ that‍ has shaken the

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “Spygate: Unraveling the Web of Intrigue Surrounding Guido Crosetto and Fratelli d’Italia”:

Spygate: Unraveling the Web of Intrigue Surrounding Guido Crosetto and Fratelli d’Italia

In a shocking turn of events, Italian Prime Minister Guido Crosetto and the Fratelli d’Italia party have found themselves at the center of a spy scandal, with allegations of illegal intrusions and surveillance by financier Pasquale Striano and his accomplices. The controversy has sparked a political firestorm, with questions swirling about the role of the intelligence services and the motives behind the espionage.

According to recent reports, Striano and his associates had been monitoring Crosetto and Fratelli d’Italia even before the Draghi government fell in July 2022 <a href="”>[1[1]. The timing of these events is crucial, as it coincides with the height of political tensions in Italy, when Giuseppe Conte opened a crisis and Giorgia Meloni began calling for early elections.

The prosecutor of Perugia, Raffaele Cantone, has revealed that Striano had made two illicit intrusions into the analysts’ system to spy on Crosetto during this period [3[3]. The stolen confidential information was allegedly used in an article published on July 28, 2022, in the newspaper Domani, titled “Tutti gli affari di Crosetto” <a href="”>[1[1].

The investigation has also shed light on Striano’s boasts about being able to “make war” with his network of 30 people, raising suspicions about his connections to the security apparatus [2[2].

As the probe deepens, it remains to be seen how far the roots of this spy scandal extend and what implications it will have for Italian politics. One thing is certain, however: the people of Italy deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders and institutions.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.



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