Criticizes Bosse: Did the monthly salary of DKK 35,000 weigh more heavily than your political integrity?

She has sat as a member of the EU Parliament’s environmental committee for the Moderates, at the same time as she will obviously be top-paid on the board of a bank that actively conducts lobbying within the very environmental areas she is set to legislate on.

This conflation of interests is unacceptable and should never have happened.

But she doesn’t understand.

Bosse claims that her decision to withdraw now is about avoiding doubts about her loyalty, but it is precisely her judgment that is at issue here.

How could she possibly think it was justifiable to sit on the board of a lobbyist bank while legislating on the same issues in the EU?

It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of conflicts of interest.

It is remarkable that Bosse maintained his dual role until recently, and only after massive criticism has he changed his position.

Her attempt to downplay the situation by mentioning practical challenges like holiday planning is almost insulting to voters.

Stine Bosse’s actions raise serious questions about her priorities.

Wasn’t it the board position’s monthly salary of around DKK 35,000 that weighed more heavily than her political integrity?

In the end, we are left with a picture of a politician who has been more concerned with her own interests than with the trust the voters have shown her.

After all, Stine Bosse’s decision to withdraw came in slow motion and that does not change the fact that her judgment has suffered serious damage.

2024-08-04 12:56:56
#Criticizes #Bosse #monthly #salary #DKK #weigh #heavily #political #integrity



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