Critical Health Alerts: When It’s Time to Visit the Doctor

With 2 million people affected in France, heart failure is increasing by 25% every 4 years, due to the aging of the population. A chronic and progressive pathology, it results from the inability of the heart muscle (the cardiac “pump”) to send enough blood to the organs, and therefore the oxygen and nutrients they need.

The heart tries to compensate by increasing the heart rate and its output, but it becomes exhausted and physiological changes eventually appear. First during exercise, if it is not taken care of, heart failure progresses and occurs even at rest.

It is estimated that heart failure is responsible for the deaths of 70,000 people each year in France.

EPOF, these four symptoms to know

To combat diagnostic errors and enable early detection of the disease, the French Society of Cardiology is organizing the first heart failure screening day in 25 hospitals and clinics in France.

Objective: to detect heart failure and refer to a cardiologist, but also to raise awareness of the warning signs of the disease, the symptoms whose initials make up the acronym “EPOF”.

EPOF, these are four symptoms which are not very specific but whose association and recent occurrence should immediately alert:

  • E pour shortness of breath during exercise and/or in a lying position;
  • P pour weight gain important in a few days;
  • O pour edema lower limbs with swollen legs and feet;
  • F pour fatigue important, which limits daily activities.

“These symptoms are generally not associated by patients and the general public with a heart problem. And patients do not seek primary care despite these symptoms, often attributing them to age or a problem with venous circulation,” notes Professor Thibaud Damy, cardiologist at Henri-Mondor hospital (Créteil), during a press conference on September 6.

A heavy impact on the quality of life

While symptoms are generally present several weeks or even 2 months before hospitalization for almost half of patients, “We always act too late. In people’s minds, the connection between symptoms and heart failure is not made,” continues the specialist.

To confirm the diagnosis, a measurement of NT-proBNP, a cardiac biomarker, is performed. Additional tests are then carried out to determine the cause. Then, the treatment aims to stop the progression of heart failure, reduce its complications (hospitalization and death) and improve the quality of life of patientsthe pathology having a strong impact on a daily basis.

“According to various data, the quality of life of heart failure patients is at the same level as a patient who is on dialysis three times a week. The impact on daily, social and professional life is very significant,” explains Dr. Benoît Lequeux.

EPON, the four pillars of treatment

To treat heart failure, the “EPON” strategy has proven itself:

  • E pour exercise or regular physical activity. Note that it is important to stop all activity in case of shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, nausea and cold sweats;
  • P to weigh regularly : consult your doctor quickly in the event of rapid weight gain over 2 or 3 days;
  • O pour observer his treatment and its monitoring;
  • N pour ne do not salt the food : 4 to 6 grams of salt per day corresponds to a low-salt diet. You should add little salt to your dishes and avoid eating very salty products such as cold meats, cheese and ready meals.

“Together, these 4 treatments improve patient survival, reduce rehospitalizations and improve quality of life,” explains Dr. Benoît Lequeux.

Find heart failure screening days near you by clicking ici.

Heart​ failure statistics worldwide

Heart​ Failure: A Growing Concern in France and Worldwide

Heart failure, a chronic and progressive pathology, affects approximately 2⁤ million people in France, with a staggering 25%‌ increase every 4 years due to the aging population⁣ [[3]]. This condition occurs when the heart muscle, also known⁣ as the​ cardiac ⁢”pump,” is⁢ unable ⁣to send enough blood to the organs, resulting in a lack of oxygen and nutrients. According to [1], heart failure is responsible for the deaths of 70,000 people each year in France.

Understanding Heart Failure

The heart tries to compensate for its inability to pump blood ‌by increasing the ‍heart ⁣rate‍ and its output, ⁣but it eventually becomes exhausted, leading to physiological changes. These changes can ‍initially appear during⁤ exercise and, if left untreated, progress to⁤ occur even at rest.

EPOF: The Four Symptoms to Know

To combat⁢ diagnostic errors and enable early detection of heart failure,⁢ the French Society of​ Cardiology has launched a heart failure ⁣screening ⁤day in 25 ‍hospitals and clinics across France. The objective ⁤is to detect heart failure and refer patients to a cardiologist, while also raising awareness of the warning signs⁤ of the disease, which can be summarized by the acronym “EPOF”:

​ E: Shortness of breath during exercise and/or in a⁤ lying position

⁣ P: Important weight gain in a few days

​O: Edema in the lower limbs, characterized by‌ swollen legs and feet

F: Significant fatigue⁢ that limits daily activities

These symptoms are not‌ very specific, but⁢ their association ⁣and recent occurrence should immediately alert individuals to seek medical attention. Unfortunately, patients often do not associate these symptoms with a heart problem and may attribute them to age or a ​problem with venous circulation [[2]].

A ‌Heavy Impact on Quality of Life

Heart failure has a significant impact on ⁢daily, social, and professional life, with‍ symptoms often ⁤present several weeks or ⁣even 2 months before⁢ hospitalization. In fact, according to Dr. Benoît Lequeux, the quality​ of life of heart failure patients⁣ is similar to that of patients on dialysis three ⁢times‍ a week [[2]].

EPON: The Four Pillars of Treatment

To treat ‍heart failure, the⁢ “EPON” strategy has proven effective:

E: ‍Exercise⁤ or regular physical activity, ‌with the caveat to⁣ stop all activity in case of ⁣shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, and cold‍ sweats

P: Weigh regularly and consult⁣ a doctor quickly in the event of rapid weight ​gain over 2 or 3 ⁣days

O: Observe ​treatment and its monitoring

N: Limit sodium intake, as excessive sodium consumption can exacerbate cardiovascular diseases [[2]]


Heart failure is a growing concern⁣ in France and⁢ worldwide, with a significant impact‌ on quality of life. ​Early detection and awareness of the symptoms, as well as adherence to the EPON treatment strategy, are crucial in combating this condition.⁣ By understanding the risks ⁢and symptoms of ‌heart failure, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent ⁣and manage this​ condition, improving‌ their​ overall health and well-being.


<a href="”>[1]



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Congestive heart failure traduzione

Heart Failure: Understanding the Symptoms, Impact, and Treatment

Heart failure, a chronic and progressive pathology, affects approximately 2 million people in France, with a 25% increase every 4 years due to the aging population. It occurs when the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to the organs, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deficiency. If left untreated, heart failure can lead to severe complications, including hospitalization and death, with an estimated 70,000 deaths annually in France.

EPOF: The Four Symptoms to Know

To combat diagnostic errors and enable early detection, the French Society of Cardiology has identified four key symptoms, known as EPOF, which should alert individuals to seek medical attention:

  1. E: Shortness of breath during exercise and/or in a lying position.
  2. P: Significant weight gain in a few days.
  3. O: Edema in the lower limbs, resulting in swollen legs and feet.
  4. F: Fatigue that limits daily activities.

These symptoms are often misunderstood by patients and the general public, leading to delayed medical attention. According to Professor Thibaud Damy, cardiologist at Henri-Mondor hospital, “These symptoms are generally not associated by patients and the general public with a heart problem. And patients do not seek primary care despite these symptoms, often attributing them to age or a problem with venous circulation.”

A Heavy Impact on the Quality of Life

Heart failure has a significant impact on daily, social, and professional life, comparable to that of patients undergoing dialysis three times a week. Dr. Benoît Lequeux notes, “According to various data, the quality of life of heart failure patients is at the same level as a patient who is on dialysis three times a week.” Therefore, early detection and treatment are crucial to improving the quality of life of patients.

Diagnosis and Treatment

To confirm a diagnosis of heart failure, a measurement of NT-proBNP, a cardiac biomarker, is performed, followed by additional tests to determine the cause. The treatment aims to stop the progression of heart failure, reduce its complications, and improve the quality of life of patients.

EPON: The Four Pillars of Treatment

The “EPON” strategy has proven effective in treating heart failure:

  1. E: Exercise or regular physical activity, with caution to stop all activity in case of shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, or cold sweats.
  2. P: Regular weight monitoring, with immediate consultation with a doctor in case of rapid weight gain over 2 or 3 days.
  3. O: Optimal management of fluid balance, including reducing sodium intake and increasing diuretic medication as needed.
  4. N: Nutritional guidance, emphasizing a heart-healthy diet.

Heart Failure Statistics Worldwide

Heart failure is a significant global health concern, with an estimated 26 million people affected worldwide. In the United States alone, more than 6 million people live with heart failure, with approximately 650,000 new cases diagnosed annually [1[1][2[2][3[3].

heart failure is a chronic and progressive condition that requires early detection, diagnosis, and treatment to prevent severe complications and improve the quality of life of patients. By recognizing the EPOF symptoms and adopting the EPON



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