Critical Alert: City on the Brink of Significant Downturn

Is Caserta ready to be a truly touristic city? It seems not judging from the pictures taken on the night between Saturday and Sunday when both visitors attracted by the concerts of Charles of Bourbon Square that nightlife users found themselves sharing spaces in the historic center. An increasingly dirtier centerdegraded and, once the coordinated control services of the territory were concluded, increasingly no man’s landThe double face of the capital has been perceivedor in transit between the concert area and the surrounding areasbetween Piazza Gramsci and the streets of the center, via Mazzini, via Mazzocchi, via Ferrante, via Sant’Agostino, via San Giovanni, via Vico and piazza Correra. Also thanks to the return from vacation, the night between Saturday and Sunday was particularly crowded.

The pictures taken show piles of rubbish of all kinds and then the stains of dirt, alcohol and liquor that ended up on the floor but also vomit of those with a weak stomach and urineas reported by the livability committee citizen who for years has been talking about invasions of doors and private spaces used as a public bathroom. Also Charles of Bourbon Squareat the end of the concert, showed the effects of the lack of extraordinary waste collectiona service that the Municipality could guarantee if it collected part of the money paid by the organizers of the kermesse A summer at Belvedere and which end up entirely in the coffers of the State propertyowner of the areas which are however managed and looked after at the expense of the administration municipal. After the trio of concerts of Gigi D’Alessioon stage tonight The Flight (weather alert permitting), tomorrow Antonello Venditti and Friday Umberto Tozzi. A problem for the councilor Maurice Of The Red (Lega) who already at the time of the presentation of the demonstration had questioned the then councillor in the council Emiliano Casale which had confirmed the total absence of earnings for the Common.


«This administration – Del Rosso explains – he often talks about tourist cities but building a tourist city is a complex process. Having a tourist city means above all having a city where all the services work while here it is public hygiene is lackingbut there are also limitations in decisions regarding mobility and parking areas, while there is no possibility of guaranteeing an increase in staff for the Local Police. The new layout of the arrived – he concludes – seems to be the bearer of a project disconnected from the reality of city».

Doubts about the management methods of Charles of Bourbon Square they also come from the majority with the councilor John Lombardi (Moderates-Together for Caserta): «If, as it appears, no revenue is expected for the Municipality but only management costs, we can talk about a very strange formula. We need to understand what the agreement with the State Property Agency prescribes to resolve this problem and clarify the situation.. Despite the problems and inconveniences reported – he continues – the events organised are bringing positive effects to the city, we must concentrate on a rapid closure of the disaster so that we can strengthen the organic from the Local Police and also respond to residents’ requests for greater safety and more controls to limit the excesses of bad nightlife».

The safety

The residents themselves are ready to launch a new signal against the riots and chaos of the Caserta nights. A new sleepless night for them, the one between Saturday and SundayThe most undisciplined places have left their doors open until 5.30 in the morning contrary to all the regulations approved by the Municipality. Loud music was a constant throughout the night. Confirming itself as one of the most difficult areas of the city, meanwhile, is Piazza Correra where, on Wednesday at 18.30i residents and the traders have arranged to meet for a public meeting to discuss the problems of degradation and liveability and to seek a solution to sensitize the institutions to a greater control.

«They live a absurd situationwith a square that during the day sees the excesses of the homeless and at night those of the moved. Correra Square – explains Rose of Costanzopresident of the city livability committee – is now a square that suffers from the degradation and is at risk drug dealing».

Here are ⁤some PAA ⁤questions related to the title “Is ‍Caserta Ready ⁤to be a Truly Touristic‍ City?”:

Is Caserta Ready to ⁢be‍ a⁢ Truly⁣ Touristic‌ City?

Caserta, a city in Italy, is ‍struggling to rise ⁢to the expectations ⁣of a truly‍ touristic city. Recent events⁤ have highlighted⁤ the city’s inability to manage its nightlife, leading to chaos, dirt, and⁣ disorder in the historic center.

The State of the City

The city’s central areas, including Charles of Bourbon Square, ⁤have become ⁣a hotspot for nightlife, with concerts and⁤ events attracting large ‍crowds. However, the lack of effective waste collection ⁣and poor public hygiene have left the streets littered with rubbish, urine,‍ and vomit. The situation has ⁤become so dire that residents are using private spaces as public bathrooms, and the city’s‌ livability committee has been raising concerns about the issue‌ for ‌years.

The Double Face of the‌ City

The city’s historic center, which ​is supposed to be a symbol ​of its rich cultural heritage, has become a no-man’s land at ‍night, with loud‍ music, open doors, and a ‌general lack of discipline. The residents​ of Caserta are fed up with ​the situation and ‌are demanding greater⁣ control and safety measures from the authorities.

The Municipal ​Administration’s Response

The municipal ⁢administration, ⁢led ‍by Councilor​ Maurice Of The ‍Red, has been criticized for its inability to provide effective solutions‌ to the city’s problems. The administration has been accused of ⁣disconnected⁣ from the ⁢reality of ‍the‍ city, with ⁢its focus on tourist⁢ development without considering ‍the needs of its citizens. Councilor John Lombardi has raised doubts about the management methods of Charles of Bourbon Square, questioning the⁤ agreement ⁤with the State Property Agency and the lack of revenue for the Municipality.

The Need for Change

Caserta needs⁢ to take a hard look‍ at its approach to tourism‌ and nightlife.‍ The city needs ‌to prioritize the needs of its citizens and develop a comprehensive plan to address the issues​ plaguing its historic center. This includes improving public hygiene, increasing staff for⁢ the Local Police, and⁤ implementing effective waste ⁢collection services.

A Call⁣ to Action

The residents of Caserta are‍ calling for change ⁢and demanding that the authorities ⁤take ⁤concrete steps to⁤ address the city’s problems. The situation ‍is not ​just a matter of aesthetics; ‌it’s a matter of ​public⁢ health, ⁤safety,‌ and the overall quality of⁤ life for the city’s residents.

Looking to the Future

Caserta has the potential ⁢to become a truly ⁢touristic city, but it needs to prioritize its⁢ citizens’ needs⁣ and address⁢ the issues affecting its ‌historic center. By doing so, ‌the​ city can create ⁢a more enjoyable and safe ⁣experience ⁢for both visitors and​ residents alike.

Caserta’s Nightlife Scene

Despite the chaos and disorder,⁢ Caserta’s ⁤nightlife⁤ scene‍ is still thriving, with⁢ popular⁣ clubs and bars like Mono Club Caserta ⁤ [[1]]and⁢ Bar ‍Serao Caserta [[3]]drawing in crowds. ⁤The city also hosts various events and parties, including pool parties, discotheques, and trance festivals [[2]].‍ However, the authorities⁢ need‌ to find a balance between promoting tourism and ensuring the safety and well-being⁢ of its citizens.

Caserta has a long way to go before it can‌ truly be considered a touristic city. The city’s​ authorities need to take concrete steps to address ​the issues affecting its historic center, prioritize the needs of its‌ citizens, and develop a comprehensive plan to ‍promote sustainable tourism.

Is Caserta worth visiting

Is Caserta Ready to be a Truly Touristic City?

Caserta, a city in the Campania region of Italy, has been making efforts to promote itself as a tourist destination. However, recent events have raised questions about its readiness to welcome visitors and provide a pleasant experience. The city’s historic center has been degraded and dirty, with piles of rubbish, vomit, and urine-stained streets, as reported by the livability committee. This situation has made it difficult for the city to be considered a truly touristic city.

The Challenges of Tourism in Caserta

The recent concerts held in Charles of Bourbon Square have attracted large crowds, but they have also highlighted the city’s limitations in terms of public hygiene, mobility, and parking. The lack of extraordinary waste collection services has further contributed to the dirty state of the city. Moreover, the management of Charles of Bourbon Square has been criticized for its inability to generate revenue for the municipality, with the majority of the earnings going to the State Property Agency.

The Importance of Services and Safety

Councilor Del Rosso has emphasized that building a tourist city requires a complex process, including providing essential services that work, such as public hygiene, mobility, and parking. Moreover, ensuring safety and security is crucial for tourists and residents alike. The Local Police need to be strengthened to respond to residents’ requests for greater safety and control over excessive nightlife.

The Need for Effective Management

The management of public spaces, such as Charles of Bourbon Square, needs to be re-evaluated to ensure that the city benefits from the revenue generated by events. The agreement with the State Property Agency needs to be clarified, and the municipality should consider investing in services that benefit the local community.

Caserta’s Potential

Despite the challenges, Caserta has a rich history and cultural heritage, making it an attractive destination for tourists. The city’s retail sector is growing, with a focus on clothing and shoes [[1]]. Visitors can explore the city’s historic architectures, narrow streets, and enjoy its Neapolitan cuisine [[2]]. The Italian government is also promoting tourism in Caserta, providing information on things to do and places to visit [[3]].


While Caserta has made efforts to promote itself as a tourist destination, it still faces significant challenges, including public hygiene, mobility, and safety issues. To become a truly touristic city, Caserta needs to address these challenges and provide essential services that benefit both tourists and residents. With effective management and investment in services, Caserta can realize its full potential and become a popular tourist destination.







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