Cristina Kirchner on Venezuelan elections: “I ask you to carry on the legacy of Hugo Chávez by publishing the minutes”

2024-08-03 20:38:00

Cristina Fernandez Kirchner (CFK) Attended the international course this Saturday “Political and Electoral Realities in Latin America”, the event started in Mexico on May 4th and ended on August 3rd. The former president addressed the current situation in his speech Venezuela After the election and stated: “I ask you to provide the legacy of Hugo Chavez, Minutes of the meeting have been published“But he also recognized the fundamental role of the region in not interfering in the affairs of other countries.

The event was organized by the Morena party, led by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and took place at the National Political Training Institute (INFP) in the space. There, Fernández de Kirchner took the stage, accompanied by INFP President Rafael Barajas Durán and Morena Secretary-General Sitali Hernández.

Fernández de Kirchner opened the conference by harshly questioning the “era of fake news” the world is currently experiencing, encouraged by social networks. “It is necessary to train and understand yourself in the face of a fluid, instant culture that does not investigate and does not understand,” he said.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Furthermore, he alluded to the situation in Venezuela: “I must admit that the guiding principles that shape this region are: don’t interfere In the affairs of other countries, Recognition of political and cultural sovereignty”. As soon as he said this, he received the first round of applause in the speech.

Kirchner party leaders such as national senators Oscar Parrilli and Anabela Fernández Sagasti, Quilmes and Moreno mayor Myra Mayra Mendoza and Mariel Fernández also participated, as well as Claudia Bernazza, General Coordinator of the Patria Institute.

Cristina Kirchner on the situation in Venezuela

“I believe and agree with the declaration signed on August 1 by López Obrador, Lula and Petro,” he said, referring to the three countries’ demand that President Nicolás Maduro produce voting records to verify his victory. The joint statement said that the statement had been approved.

“I ask you to carry on the legacy of Hugo Chávez so that the minutes of the meeting can be published,” he stressed.

Likewise, referring to Venezuelan opposition member Maria Colina Machado, she declared: “Yesterday I was very worried because the main leaders were in hiding, but today I saw her leading a march in Caracas and luckily But she didn’t have much time to hide.

“That’s good, because secrets are very ugly and bad things,” he interjected. Afterward, he continued: “We’re glad he’s out of hiding.”

Cristina Kirchner talks political realities in Latin America

“In an era of fake news and perpetual misinformation, we continue to bet on cadre training and information. It is necessary to train and understand ourselves in the face of a fluid, real-time culture that does not investigate and does not occur.

Immediately afterwards, Claudia Sheinbaum, on behalf of the Morena Party, congratulated her on her victory in the Mexican presidential election on June 2, and began to talk about the political and electoral realities of Latin America by reviewing the history since the 19th century.

Regarding the topic of the conference, Fernández de Kirchner joked: “Can we talk about the utopia of Argentina today?” He explained: “Latin America is a region born of liberal utopias, back in the 19th century we were a colony , there is also the idea of ​​freedom.

“What they are trying to sell us today is not that freedom, to make us believe that because you are here to insult, threaten or spread fake news, you are free. No, you are a gray person. If you don’t have a mobile phone and Internet, You have no freedom.

He continued: “This is how the region was formed in a liberal utopia, with (José de) San Martín, with (Simon) Bolivar in the struggle for liberation. Furthermore, it was a struggle of ideas, because even The ideas of absolutism and the ideas that came from the colonies, they were opposed to the ideas of freedom that came from the French Revolution, that we don’t have a country, we just free the will of freedom, which was well defined by José de San Martín: “Let us be free , nothing else matters.

He then pointed out that if he had to define a 20th-century utopia in the region, it would be the “struggle for equality” driven by socio-political movements. “After freedom, the great utopia of the region was a utopia of equality, with different movements and revolutions,” he said.

He clarified: “We have always respected something about South America, we are not all the same, we respect the cultural identity and in this sense I must admit that non-interference in South American affairs is the guiding principle that has shaped the region .

“We did well with liberal utopias, but not so well with equality. Today, our continent remains the most unequal. Not the poorest, but the most unequal. It is a divided world struggle in.

In order to define the 21st century, CFK pointed to the turning point that he believed to be the end of modernity. “If I had to choose the end of modernity and the beginning of postmodernity, I wouldn’t choose the fall of the Berlin Wall, I would choose the fall of the Twin Towers. From that point on, war was no longer a matter of ideas,” he explain.

Opposition systems such as the Cold War, in which popular governments in the region were overthrown by military intervention. Cold War-era military intervention continued throughout the 20th century. There our armed forces did not occupy the role of honor and victory, it was the place where the armies of the 19th century served in the occupying armies, in what I call the army.

“The clearest example of how to explain a military party is Argentina. With the overthrow of the popular government of Hipólito Yrigoyen in 1930, the era of de facto government began, with the consent of the country’s Supreme Court. Then, It is necessary to overthrow the government and eliminate militants.

“The military coup ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall. A wave of neoliberal governments rose throughout Latin America. Privatization, rights-restricting labor reforms, the abandonment of national heritage, the great utopia of equality disappeared from our hands. This is why I say that the attack on the Twin Towers marked the end of the modern history of discussing ideas.

“What I call the ‘war of hate’ began, and I faced this war because of religion, because of race. This will contribute in some way to the contemporary climate. But, in South America, miraculously they showed up here Under these circumstances, the first decade of the 21st century has seen the emergence of an incredible country, people and democratic government.”

“The first was at the end of the 20th century, when Hugo Chavéz won the 1999 national elections, when the Treaty of Punto Fijo failed and Andrés Peréz What changed in the Caracasso event after a drastic adjustment on the second day, Ecuador’s Rafael Correa, Bolivia’s Evo Morales, Paraguay’s Fernando Lugo. point, all these leaders act like their people and represent their interests.

“Military intervention is no longer possible in these governments, let alone the use of disappearances, torture and deportation. This is unremarkable in the age of communications when everything will be known. The real failure of the military party occurred in Malvi In the Nas war, when the adventure was over, in the end I always said that Argentinian democracy is the daughter of the missing, the daughter of the combatants of the Malvinas Islands, the daughter of the struggles of the mothers and grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo .

“Confronting these countries, peoples and democratic governments, a different approach emerged: military intervention, disruption

Christina Kirchner complete exhibition

CFK announced in a social media post that the conclusion of the international course in Mexico can be viewed on YouTube.

“I share with you the complete program of the international course “Political and Electoral Realities in Latin America”, which started on May 4th of this year and ends today, Saturday, August 3rd. This is my fourteenth and last time. Lecture, titled “A Utopia from the South. “You can see it on YouTube,” he posted on X, along with a schedule of events.

What to expect from Christine Kirchner’s speech

The former president’s public appearance has raised expectations after Venezuela’s controversial election saw President Chavez re-elected and the opposition accused him of fraud. Cristina Kirchner, one of the region’s key leaders, has yet to speak out on the Caribbean country’s elections, raising expectations about her stance.

The meeting was organized by the political space created by President López Obrador, who last Monday demanded “to know the results of the Venezuelan elections” and “not to disqualify them”.

Cristina Kirchner with Pedro Rosemblat, her last media appearance

Community Development Minister Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque spoke of the expectations generated by the event: “This is the voice of the most important political leader of our country’s generation, causing attracted people’s attention.

“No one is quite sure what to do. Between La Campora, who prefers to remain silent, Maximo, who doesn’t speak to anyone, and other members of the Kirchnerism who speculate on Cristina’s speech, there will be a debate on Saturday An order.

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