Crisis within the UDPS: a good offices commission set up, Kabuya welcomes it and asks for forgiveness!

A good offices commission is finally set up within the UDPS – Union for Democracy and Social Progress – in order to save this ruling party from the observed crisis that shook it, almost two weeks ago, between two camps thus formed. This decision is one of the resolutions taken, at the end of the meeting held, Sunday, July 21, 2024, between the deputies and senators of this ruling party, in Kinshasa.

During this strategic meeting chaired by the first vice-president of the lower house of Parliament, Jean-Claude Tshilumbayi, senators and deputies noted the crisis of confidence between the secretary general and certain members and organs of the UDPS.

In view of this unhealthy climate, the senators and deputies have resolved, through the good offices committee, to prepare the conditions for holding the party’s democratic convention as soon as possible, while prohibiting the parties in conflict from waging a media war.

The good offices commission set up has a duration of three days to discuss with the parties in conflict. This commission is chaired by Clotilde Kapinga and Jules Lody, respectively president and rapporteur.

Involved in this conflict, Augustin Kabuya, for his part, welcomes the resolutions taken by senators and deputies for the survival of this party. The secretary general of the UDPS apologizes to national and international opinion for the distressing spectacle delivered by the activists of his party in recent days. The latter considers the demonstrations recorded as an incident of the course.


2024-07-22 09:25:23
#Crisis #UDPS #good #offices #commission #set #Kabuya #welcomes #asks #forgiveness



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