Crisis of Missing Medicines: The Neglect and Absence of a Sustainable Drug Policy in Lebanon

2023-08-30 14:00:58

Once again, patients in Lebanon fall victim to neglect and the absence of a sustainable drug policy that protects the citizen’s health and his right to treatment with dignity. Today, the disaster affects patients with cancer and multiple sclerosis, after a large part of the drugs for incurable and cancerous diseases became missing from the market, so that patients embark on a journey of searching for alternatives such as buying smuggled medicines. Those that enter the country illegally, whose source is unknown and whose quality is not guaranteed, may increase their pain and deepen their misery

In this context, the head of the Pharmacists Syndicate, Joe Salloum, explains to CNBC Arabia that this file should be a priority, away from political tensions, because every delay costs precious lives. Lebanon needs between 50 and 60 million dollars a month for difficult medicines, which are supported by rights Special draws, but for a short time, funding is limited to only $25 million, which means that more than 50% of these drugs are not available.

Spoiled medicines are still a source of concern for Lebanese patients, especially since the World Health Organization issued a statement, regarding its finding of a contaminated batch of the Methotrex 50 product for cancer treatment in Yemen and Lebanon, after the emergence of harmful effects for sick children who received spoiled medicines.

After the economic crisis, the contribution of the local pharmaceutical industry increased to 40% of the total market size, as it now covers 20 therapeutic categories of pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, and others, which made it available in the market. However, the drugs for incurable diseases are entirely imported, and the official authorities’ cessation of their support puts patients’ lives in inevitable danger

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#Counterfeit #corrupt #medicines #invade #Lebanese #market

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