Crisis in the Holy Land: Franciscan Priest Speaks Out

2024-04-10 10:01:20

The Franciscan priest in charge of the Holy Land, Fr. Ibrahim Faltas said

Fr. Jinu Jacob, Vatican City

The Franciscan priest in charge of the Holy Land, Fr. Ibrahim Faltas said. Jacques Mourad, a Syrian bishop, also shared that the Holy Land, where innocent Christians were massacred, has turned into hell today.

In the land where Jesus lived, the war continues to destroy people’s desire to live as Christians. About 800 Christians have sought refuge in the Trikutumba church in Gaza alone. Fr. Ibrahim painfully mentioned the situations where many of them die of various diseases.

The situation of many people losing their jobs is also pathetic due to the lack of pilgrims in the holy land. However, he added that their lives, which are an exemplary witness to faith, give hope. He suggested that ceasefire is the only solution to protect the lives and property of innocent people.

#Innocents #killed #Holy #Land #Vatican #News

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