Criminal prosecution for manslaughter against the 41-year-old for the fatal beating of the 64-year-old 2024-07-23 03:01:03

Against the 41-year-old, the Prosecutor brought a criminal prosecution for manslaughter by possible intent in a calm, mental state, while against the 34-year-old for complicity in the same act. The pair were given a deadline to apologize on Wednesday morning, however, both claim they were acting defensively when they came face to face with the victim.

The 41-year-old man says that he grabbed him by the neck with the intention of getting him out of their car where the 64-year-old man had entered by force, while the 34-year-old woman speaks of an aggressive, sexual attack she received from him in front of their minor child. . “He sexually assaulted me and was very persistent,” the 34-year-old reportedly told the police, describing how the fight that ended in the 64-year-old’s death began.

Crime in Arcadia: “He’s lying, he’s not dead,” said the 41-year-old after the beating and death of the 64-year-old

The local community of Agios Petros in the municipality of North Kynouria in Arcadia is in shock after the murder of their 64-year-old fellow villager, who was beaten to death in the village square at dawn by a couple after the end of a baptism where everyone was invited.

The police officers of the Tripoli Security Department arrested two people, a 41-year-old and a 34-year-old, for the case of the murder of the 64-year-old, in the community of Agios Petros, in the Municipality of North Kynouria, in Arcadia, who on Monday (22/07 ) are expected to be taken to the public prosecutor.

It all started when the victim flirted with the assailant’s wife, resulting in the intoxicated assailant beating him to death.

“Yesterday at noon there was a christening in our village and the celebration lasted 12 whole hours. The guests started eating and drinking from midday and got up to leave the table at 02.00 at night. It was expected that something bad would happen because there were a lot of people, the party was big and most of them were drunk. At 02.00 at night a group left the party and went to the coffee shop in the square to drink coffee and recover from their drunkenness. .

There, the victim apparently flirted with a woman from the group and her husband got annoyed and started punching him. In addition to the woman’s husband, another member of the group stood up and was hitting him as well. At one point, they left the man half-passed out in the square while the victim was still conscious, because something was shaking.

After they left him for a few minutes because the assailant’s wife was scared and yelling at him to stop and to leave, they then came back and framed him.

In fact, when the perpetrator saw the unconscious victim, he realized what he had done and started shouting at him to get up. Of course, the man was already dead. As far as I know, the woman and her husband have taken responsibility for the death of Nikos, but it was also another member of the group who hit him…” a man who was in front of the tragic incident tells

According to ANT1, the rescuers who arrived at the scene noticed injuries to the neck and head of the 64-year-old. Now, the results of the autopsy are awaited, in order to know the cause of the man’s death.

“He’s lying, he’s not dead”: What the 41-year-old said about the 64-year-old after his beating

The villagers, hearing the voices, rushed to the spot. “I heard shouting, thousands of curses and you’re teasing my wife,” said an eyewitness on camera.

Another witness, devastated by the loss of his friend, reported that the perpetrator, when he saw the 64-year-old unconscious, did not understand what he had done and started shouting at him to get up. “He was a child malama, I say it and sulk. I have spent a lifetime with him. I came down in the morning and saw the perpetrator blind, he was very drunk. I say to him “is he dead?” He tells me: “He’s lying, he’s not dead.” He didn’t understand what was happening to him.”

“They beat him even when he was down unconscious”

Other testimonies state that one more person from the group participated in the criminal act. “A misunderstanding, out of nothing turned evil. They had all had too much to drink. After the feast they continued to drink. Nikos said something to the girl and the bad news happened. They were beating him even when he was unconscious on the ground,” said a witness. At the same time, according to information broadcast by Mega, while the 41-year-old was beating the unfortunate man, people who were in front of the incident, instead of stopping him, took videos.

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#Criminal #prosecution #manslaughter #41yearold #fatal #beating #64yearold



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