Crimes Against Humanity: Seeking Hope in Dark Times – U2’s Tribute, Justice for Victims, and Restaurant Hygiene

2023-10-12 19:36:00

In his column, Alain Kupchik returned to the horror which took place on October 7 in Israel. “I would have liked to talk to you about something else,” he began, “what we saw were nothing more, nothing less than crimes against humanity.”

In all this darkness, the artist, very touched, still sees a small glimmer of hope: “I still feel a touch of optimism when I hear the points of view and the positions of personalities labeled left-wing and even pro-Palestinian.”

He also returned to U2’s revisiting of the song “Pride” in Las Vegas. In the third paragraph of their song, the band changed the lyrics to pay tribute to the victims who were attending the Supernova festival. “He thus made it known that there was only dignity in the face of barbarism and blind hatred,” he explained while the extract was broadcast during the program.

Seeing this extract, Ludivine de Magnanville, president of the Brussels Horeca Federation, could not hold back her tears. “I found that Alain’s words were very true. I admire them because I don’t have the words. I feel very weak about this situation.”

Another debate: YouTube star Norman Thavaud was cleared. Maili Bernaerts, journalist from DH/Les Sports + believes that Justice does not help victims of sexual assault because it is very difficult to prove.

For his part, lawyer Steve Gries regrets that there are now two justice systems: the official Justice of the State and the Justice of private companies and social networks. “When it comes to violence against women, official justice is a big problem. Because the burden of proof rests on the person who complains. However, you cannot always, in the context of a sexual assault, whether physical or verbal, provide proof. In this case, doubt benefits the one being accused. To compensate for this, there is now the sounding board of social networks which allows us to come to the aid of Justice. From now on, victims can make it known that it is not because we have not convicted someone that we have not been the victim of sexual assault.”

“Social networks have completely changed the landscape,” continues Steve Gries, “there was real impunity for a certain number of men, which there is no longer with social networks. If at first, I could agree with this idea by closing the problem that women have in proving that they were victims. But there is a problem that has emerged: if we want to destroy someone’s reputation, if we want to accuse them when there is no evidence, if we want them to be condemned by the public opinion, with the sounding board of social networks, we can condemn someone without proof, simply because we have been more influential on social networks. So, as always, abuse can kill someone who has done nothing wrong.”

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Last debate of the show, the deplorable hygiene in certain restaurants. 60% of them were called to order. To talk about it, Alein Van den Broek, spokesperson for the FASFC was invited on set. This specifies that these figures should not be read as six restaurants out of ten were not frequentable.

For restaurateur Toto Bongiorno, the controls are a good thing: “Perhaps we need to have more uniform rules and in a friendlier manner. These controls are perhaps sometimes too ‘Gestapist’. This is not the case for the AFSCA but for many other controls. Most of the time it goes very well.”

On the other hand, Toto regrets when the controls come from denunciation. A point of view which was not shared by Ludivine de Magnanville. According to her, a denunciation can sometimes “open your eyes” to a dramatic hygienic situation in certain restaurants.

#Moving #moment #speak #song #dignity #barbarism

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