Crimes against Chinese citizens decrease in Angola – news

“Data in our possession reflect that crime within the Chinese community residing in Angola has dropped considerably in recent times”, began by saying the holder of the Interior portfolio, according to the Facebook page of the Ministry of Interior.

Eugénio Laborinho thanked the Chinese government for donating a laboratory for testing narcotic products to MININT which, as he said, will greatly help the operating bodies in preventing and combating drug trafficking, he said.

In turn, the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Gong Tao, who was received at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, expressed his satisfaction “with the work that the MININT forces have carried out and which are considerably lowering the levels of crime once morest Chinese nationals, as well as those crimes that are committed by Chinese once morest their own brothers and other persons”:

The diplomat also underlined that “this is making the feeling of security more and more present and reason for the coming of others to invest in Angola”.



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