Crimea “legally united” with Russia: a new wave of Kremlin propaganda

In a message published on the social network Facebook is confirmed:

“The brochure “25 questions about Crimea” refutes popular myths and fakes spread by the West, sheds light on the real history of the annexation of the peninsula to Russia and today’s Crimea.

What happened in Crimea in 2014?
– In 2014, following the free will of the Crimean population, the peninsula separated from Ukraine, declared independence and rejoined Russia.

Did Crimea have the right to secede from Ukraine?
– The declaration of independence of the Republic of Crimea was a legal form in which its inhabitants implemented the right to self-determination enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

Why did Russia accept Crimea’s application for accession?
“After the declaration of independence, Crimea was threatened with war and ethnic cleansing, because nationalists and neo-Nazis seized power in Kiev during a coup d’état…”

Referendum without following the rules and the law

in 2014 in February Russia’s seizure of Crimea began when Russian special forces, operating without state insignia, occupied the Crimean parliament building and raised the Russian flag.

After the invasion of the bloodless so-called “green men”, control of the peninsula was taken over by Russian soldiers wearing no insignia.

The subsequent referendum on the status of Crimea, which was held under military occupation, did not allow for public debate or for Ukrainian political leaders to visit the Crimean peninsula.

Referendum also violated Constitution of Ukrainebecause it did not give the right to all Ukrainian citizens to vote on the status of Crimea.

Constitution of Ukraine Article 73 providesthat issues of territorial integrity and changing state borders must be decided only in a national (not regional) referendum.

Therefore, according to the norms approved by the Venice Commission (and, accordingly, the Council of Europe), the Crimean “referendum” was by definition illegal.

None of the options proposed during the referendum did not allow citizens vote to maintain the status quo.

“Sputnik”/”Scanpix” photo/Elections in Russia

Referendum to voters were submitted two alternative questions: “Do you support the rejoining of Crimea to Russia with the rights of a subject of the Russian Federation?” (yes or no) and “Do you support the restoration of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Crimea and the status of Crimea as part of Ukraine?” (yes or no).

Although Russia for a long time claimed that 96.77 percent voters spoke up for reunification with Russia, the Russian Human Rights Council itself in the report it is stated that only 15-30 percent eligible voters in Crimea voted for reunification with Russia.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Referendum advertisement in Crimea

Reuters/Scanpix photo/Referendum advertisement in Crimea

Although the pro-Russian authorities declare that the referendum showed that the people of Crimea are rushing into the arms of Russia, the results are not recognized by the West, and there were many violations during the referendum.

Read more: The pro-Russian Crimean authorities declare that the referendum has taken place, and that 96.6 percent of the people are rushing into Russia’s arms. Crimean residents

Reuters/Scanpix photo/The illegal Crimean referendum has ended.

Reuters/Scanpix photo/The illegal Crimean referendum has ended.

I didn’t want to with Russia at all

During 1991 the referendum, which resulted Independence of Ukraineall regions of the country, including Crimea, voted for.

On the same day as the referendum, presidential elections were also organized in Ukraine. In them, the pro-independence candidate won, but not only that, but all six presidential candidates were clearly in favor of independence.

The message to the world was clear: every region of Ukraine, including Crimea, supported independence from the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a significant number of Russians hoped that the new president, Boris Yeltsin, would demand that Crimea be returned to Russia, but that did not happen.

Although even 60 percent The population of Crimea was ethnic Russians, during the 1991 in the referendum on independence held in December, 54 percent. voters of the peninsula advocated for Crimea to remain part of Ukraine.

Scanpix/ITAR-TASS photo/Voting in Russia

Scanpix/ITAR-TASS photo/Voting in Russia

Russia has repeatedly guaranteed the inviolability of Ukraine’s borders

Russia has repeatedly given guarantees that the territorial integrity of Ukraine will be preserved.

in 1991 December 8 agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). begins with the following words:

“We, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, as the founding states of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in 1922 the signatories of the union agreement, hereinafter referred to as the High Contracting Parties, declare that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ceases to exist as a subject of international law and geopolitical reality”.

In the same agreement, Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine undertook to “develop their relations based on mutual recognition and respect for the principles of state sovereignty, inalienable right of self-determination, equality and non-interference in internal affairs, refusal to use force, economic and any other pressure (.. )”.

Regarding borders, Article 5 states: “The High Contracting Parties recognize and respect each other’s territorial integrity and the inviolability of existing borders within the Commonwealth.”

This means that Russia recognized an independent Ukraine within the borders of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (including Crimea) and guaranteed their inviolability.

Signed a memorandum

in 1994 December 5 The Russian Federation, together with the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Ukraine, signed the “Memorandum on Security Guarantees Related to Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”, also known as Budapest Memorandum.

His first article reads:

“The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm to Ukraine their commitment, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act, to respect the independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine.”

15min verdict: lie. The referendum held in Crimea is not recognized by Western countries and even by one of V. Putin’s closest allies – Alexander Lukashenko. It took place with many violations, without following the existing principles of law. The annexation of Crimea is not “reunification”.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#Crimea #legally #united #Russia #wave #Kremlin #propaganda
2024-08-29 00:04:49



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