Crime – Dreieich:Robber with a Hawaiian shirt and a face mask raids a gas station
Aug 16, 2022 7:11 am
Directly from the dpa news channel
Dreieich (dpa / lhe) – A robber dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and a face mask attacked a gas station in Dreieich (Offenbach district) late Monday evening and stole cash. The stranger asked a 54-year-old employee to open the cash register, the police said on Tuesday. A pistol was stuck in his waistband. After taking several hundred euros from the register, he fled on foot. The employee was not injured.
The unknown is said to be 20 to 25 years old and have short, dark hair. In addition to the eye-catching blue and white patterned shirt and mouth and nose protection, he was wearing gray and white patterned trousers, a black jacket and a black cap at the time of the crime. The police are looking for witnesses who can provide information regarding the attack in the district of Götzenhain.
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