Crete: River filled with dead fish – What happened VIDEO – 2024-08-04 11:07:22

Crete: River filled with dead fish – What happened VIDEO
 – 2024-08-04 11:07:22

Residents of the Karteros area of ​​Crete were faced with an unpleasant surprise after they found dead fish, in a state of decay, in the river bed in Agios Ioannis.

The Port Authority of Heraklion contacted the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (ELKETHE) in order to find out what is happening. Beyond the scientific explanation of the phenomenon, the residents ask the competent authorities to remove the fish from the area for reasons of hygiene as well as aesthetics.

“During the winter months, due to a storm, the river water joins the sea, so fish enter the river. However, when summer comes, the river, like Aposelemis and other small rivers, no longer has a connection with the sea, with the result that the fish get trapped in its waters.

The temperature rises, the water warms, it is stagnant, there is no movement to oxygenate, and the environment becomes hypoxic. At the same time, the plants that the water has, phytoplankton produce a lot of biomass, at night the plants consume oxygen without producing new, so the oxygen levels in the water drop. In short, the fish suffocate and die,” he said.

When asked by Cretalive if there is a question of public health, the scientist replies that the river is not polluted. Of course, it will be appropriate for the authorities to remove the fish.

“If the authorities want to avoid these phenomena, which are not common in Karteros, they should proceed with a permanent installation with the necessary equipment that will supply oxygen to the water. It works like fans that aerate the river,” he said.

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