Crete: “Fear and terror” of the lagocephalas – “We have recorded attacks” VIDEO – 2024-07-28 08:07:15

Crete: “Fear and terror” of the lagocephalas – “We have recorded attacks” VIDEO
 – 2024-07-28 08:07:15

A “headache” has been created among the bathers of Crete, after the appearance of the harefish, a type of fish responsible for dozens of deaths due to its toxicity, many more poisonings and several amputations.

From Crete, Ios, Rhodes, Karpathos, Patras, even Cyprus and neighboring Turkey, the sea bass have become the “fear and terror” of the seas.

Scientists are warning about the porcupine that migrated to our parts from the Red Sea, through the Suez Canal, about 20 years ago. Their population is growing rapidly, emphasizes Mr. Gerasimos Kondylatos, ichthyologist at the Rhodes ELKETHE hydrobiological station.

“We have recorded attacks”

“Harehead is probably the most notorious fish to come from the Red Sea. In general, we have recorded attacks. Now if one waved his hand to attract him to the water, it is very likely that the porcupine would attack him because the , finger looks like some kind of prey. In all the testimonies, however, the bathers tell us that they moved outwards. I think that is the most reasonable reaction. If one encounters such a fish, it is best to swim out quickly because the bite will likely cause some amputation or some wound, which is treated like any other wound from an animal or object.

@zervakakikallia This is what happens when you throw stones into the sea 10 of these come #fyp #fyp #lionheads #crete ♬ MESSY X KAGKELIA – jimapas

It has been in our area since 2005 and has developed large populations as we speak. We expected – because we constantly record this phenomenon – that his numbers would balance, but he has not yet shown any such trend. If we talk about Rhodes, it is around the island. Maybe some areas have a slightly stronger presence, but they are everywhere. We find them in Crete and the rest of the Dodecanese, the Cyclades and the Peloponnese. At the moment they have reached Lefkada”.

The images recorded by the bathers themselves and also by the fishermen and which are then posted on the internet, cause concern. A sea bream has emerged at the point where the wave breaks, on an island in the Aegean. The bathers, instead of moving away, caress him. The fish ends up biting one of them who writhes in pain.

In Crete, a group of young fishing children pulls out a mullet on the rocks with the help of an awl, while on the same island, amateur fishermen pull mullets in the harbor and place a metal beer can in front of one of them, which bites it repeatedly, as if it is a piece of breadcrumb bait!

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#Crete #Fear #terror #lagocephalas #recorded #attacks #VIDEO



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