2023-11-03 13:48:07
The Cremo company returned victorious from Norway. She won 20 medals at the 34th edition of the World Cheese Awards which took place in Trondheim at the end of October.
Its cheese factories in Villars-sur-Glâne, Tourtemagne (VS) and Kriechenwil (BE) won a “super gold” medal for their Emmentaler AOP premier cru, two silver medals for their classic and full-bodied Gruyère AOP and five bronze medals for different cheeses including the classic and full-bodied Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP.
Two gold medals for Marc Mesot
The Villarois dairy group also won twelve other distinctions for cheeses matured, packaged and marketed by it (one super gold medal, four gold medals, three silver medals, four bro
#Cremo #wins #medals #cheese #worlds